*_/MYMAIL 1.0/_* * FREEWARE_README * MYMAIL 1.0 FREEWARE_README MYMAIL,Utility, A program to use vms mail syntax in a communigate-pro environment This utility can send mail (files) from batch and dcl procedures using a vmsmail syntax via the communigate pro mail system. This makes it easy to replace VMS-mail by communicate pro without changing all existing DCL procedures that use VMS mail as mail product. The following syntax is supported: MAIL file to[,to[,to...] [/qualifiers] p1 : The file to send (default = .TXT) p2 : The user(s) to send to Distribution lists are supported via the "@file" (default .DIS) upto a depth of 10 levels. in .dis files the !-sign is taken as comment delimiter and empty lines are ignored. Qualifiers /signature_file Get the signature file from VMSMAIL_PROFILE /signature_file=filename Use this file as a signature file (default extension .TXT) /subject="Subject text") Subject information /self Include the (vms-)username in the TO list /personal_name Get the personal_name from VMSMAIL_PROFILE /personal_name="Name" Use this as personal name Extra qualifiers for mymail (debugging) /log Return the resulting mailfile /verbose Tell a lot of info about the phases e.g. mail x john,@list/subject="test"/self/signature sends x.txt to john,'vmsuser' and everyone in list.dis the subject is "test" and append the signature file from VMSMAIL_PROFILE to the text in x.txt Usage: Define a logical (mymail_location) pointing to the target directory for mymail. You can define it to sys$scratch for testing Normally it will contain something like SYS$SPECIFIC:[COMMUNIGATE.SUBMITTED] $define mymail_location sys$specific:[communigate.submitted][/system] Define a foreign command (can be done in SYS$SYLOGIN) $mai*l:=$device:[directory]mymail From now on the MAIL command will be processed by the mymail image This image needs BYPASS or READALL to open VMSMAIL_PROFILE, so it should be installed with /PRIV=BYPASS or /PRIV=READALL. Building The Alpha executable is in the kit, but if you want to rebuild MYMAIL, go to the MYMAIL directory and use @MAKE Contents: Ths package contains the following files In the home directory MYMAIL.EXE The executable MAKE.COM The command file to compile/link FREEWARE_README.TXT This file RELEASE_NOTES.TXT The release notes MYMAIL.FOR The Fortran source MYMAIL.INC The include file MAYMAIL_CLD.CLD The CLD file MYMAIL.OBJ The (Alpha) object of the fortran source MYMAIL_CLD.OBJ The (Alpha) object of the .cld file There is no need for a VAX equivalent, since Communigate Pro only runs on Alpha and IA64. Instructions: Unpack the save set. If you want to rebuild: If you have a fortran compiler @MAKE Else link only @MAKE LINK On oooovms.dyndns.org is a link to the most recent version. Author : Fekko Stubbe Email : mymaildev@oooovms.dyndns.org * RELEASE_NOTES * 1.0 22 Feb 2005 Initial version _*Use it at your own risk, because we cannot take responsibility for crashes, dumps or even worse: loosing data.*_ Here is the MYMAIL010 package ( 62kB zip file) . Please give your feedback to mymaildev@oooovms.dyndns.org. Index <../> Klein 'Powered by Apache' Logotje