AUTO 2.1


AUTO,tool, A program to AUTOmatically expand DCL commands

AUTO is a tool to let you use command completion
Each token of the command line (VERB, QUALIFIER, PARAMETER
or QUALIFIER-Value) can be expanded to completion
or sequentially searched for the next or previous valid match.
This tool will display the buildup command after the ENTER
key, but if you specify the /EXECUTE qualifier,
the buildup command will be executed via LIB$DO_COMMAND, and
control will return to AUTO. (see examples in the user guide)

AUTO makes use of the DCL tables in P1-space (so the link with /SYSEXE or SYS.STB). 
Symbols are also recognized, see the following table

1. a symbol that executes a dcl_command (@)     : allow the /output and upto 8 parameters
2. a symbol that executes a foreign command ($) : Look in the image for a command-table structure
                                                  and use that for definitions. If none is found
                                                  a $REST_OF_LINE parameter is assumed.
3. a symbol that executes MC(R)                 : this will revert to case 2
4. a symbol that translates to a normal verb    : Lookup the verb in the normal DCL tables

Warning: this programs uses the CLD tables in P1 space or in an image , so if these tables 
are not correct or incomplete, the command may not be executed correctly.

Building info
Objects and image are in the kit. If you want to build the program
Since the program has been linked with /SYSEXE, and was build under 
VMS 8.2, you may have to relink the program if you are on a different
version of VMS.

 1 : Unpack the kit         !$backup AUTO.bck/sav [...]
 2 : @MAKE_AUTO_'ARCH'      !if you have a recent fortran compiler
                            !arch = VAX,ALPHA,IA64
 3 : @MAKE_AUTO_'ARCH' LINK !otherwise

See the User_GUIDE.TXT for further information.
The most recent version can be downloaded from
If you have suggestions or questions, please mail to the address below

Author : Fekko Stubbe
E-mail : autodev (at)

AUTO, Command completion tool

AUTO is a tool to let you use command completion.
Each token of the command line (VERB, QUALIFIER, 
QUALIFIER-VALUE or PARAMETER) can be expanded to completion
or sequentially searched for the next or previous valid match.
This tool is under development, and usage is mostly for
demonstration, but if the specify the /EXECUTE qualifier,
the buildup command will be executed via LIB$DO_COMMAND. 
and AUTO will be started again.

AUTO makes use of the DCL tables (so the link with /SYSEXE). 
Symbols are also recognized, see the following table

1. a symbol that executes a dcl_command (@)     : allow the /output and upto 8 parameters
2. a symbol that executes a foreign command ($) : Look in the image for a command-table structure
                                                  and use that for definitions. If none is found
                                                  a $REST_OF_LINE parameter is assumed.
3. a symbol that executes MC(R)                 : this will revert to case 2
4. a symbol that translates to a normal verb    : Lookup the verb in the normal DCL tables

Warning: this programs uses the DCL tables, so if the DCL tables 
are not correct or incomplete, the command may not be executed 




  Qualifiers are
	/debug=file      (default dbg$output) Show debug info
	/flags=(all,disallow,routines,token,input) !what debug do you want
        /verbone         See below
	/info	         show information messages (default)
	/execute         execute the buildup command 
                           (via lib$do_command) NOT default
	/override        Allow all types to be overridden (see below)
        /use_arrows      Up and down arrow can be used for prev/next match
                         The TAB and ^H/F12 key will also work.
                         Overrides the terminal type, AUTO will use the
                         terminal type of SYS$COMMAND by default. The
                         terminaltype must be defined in SMGTERMS.
        /startup=file    Defines a startup file with key definitions.
                         Default is /nostartup, and /startup without a
                         value will search for AUTO_INI, defaulted
                         by SYS$LOGIN:.INI and AUTO_IMAGEDIRECTORY:.INI
                         In this file you can overrule the default keysettings

If the verb points to an executable, and that executable contains a CLD
table with only one verb, AUTO will assume the (one) verb will not be needed
(the program will insert the verb itself). If you do need the verb you
can define the /verbone qualifier, and AUTO will let (and demands) you to
enter the verb.

Normally AUTO will use the (in dcl-tables)defined types ($priv,$outfile..etc).
If the type is string or restofline, AUTO will allow you to change
the type to a more convenient one. The F11/^F key will toggle the type to
the one you want. If the specify /override on the startup of AUTO , 
you can override all types (not only string and restofline), of course 
at your own risk.

For @files and MCR files without CLD tables you can define a symbol
to describe the expected parameters.
Default for @file are 8 parameters (p1..p8) and a qualifier /OUTPUT=filename.
  If you define a symbol 'VERB'_PARAMETER you can describe different parameters
  for all parameters. F.e. if you have a procedure to changed you privileges
  and have defined the verb PRIV as @'privileges', you know the first parameter
  should be a (list-of) privileges. You can then define the symbol

Default for images without CLD tables is 1 parameter (restofline).
  If you have an image "look.exe" that "looks" into a file and have defined
  a symbol LOOK as $device:[directory]look.exe. This image has no CLD tables
  but expects a filename as argument. In that case you can define a symbol

The syntax for the *_PARAMETER symbol is "type[,type...]"
Type can be : cld_type   a normal cld type
              cld_type*  A normal cld type but with the list flag, so you
                         can use a , separated list
You can insert a # at any place to tell AUTO how many parameters are
required, so "INFILE,#OUTFILE" means 1 parameter required (infile) and
1 parameter optional (outfile)

Valid cld types are  
   STRING     : text input
   INFILE     : Input file (must exist)
   OUTFILE    : Output file (may exist, but directories must exist)
   NUMBER     : A normal DCL number inclusive %X , %O
   PRIVILEGE  : A normal privilege
   DATETIME   : The normal DCL datetime (absolute) with a " between the
                day and the hour
   DELTATIME  : The normal DCL datetime (deltatime) with a " between the
                day and the hour
   PROTECTION : A protection string (WO:RWED,OW:...)
   PROCESS    : A valid processname
   INLOG      : A valid (and existing) logicalname
   OUTLOG     : A valid logicalname
   INSYM      : A valid (and existing) symbolname
   OUTSYM     : A valid symbolname
   NODE       : A valid nodename
   DIRECTORY  : A valid directory name (possible with nodespec)
   UIC        : A valid UIC string
   RESTOFLINE : DCL does not parse this type, all further chars are valid
   QUOTEDSTRING: A valid string , but leave " in string
   FILE       : A valid output file
   ACL        : A valid ACL specification
   OLD_FILE   : A valid output file

During the command buildup the following keys are supported

 Normal text : Insert the text in the buffer. Invalid chars are disallowed
 TAB         : take the next valid keyword
 ^H or F12   : take the previous valid keyword
 ^L/F8       : Display allowed keywords/tokens (max 1024 chars) 
 PF2/HELP    : AUTO will try to display help info about the verb.
 Space       : next parameter
 /           : next qualifier
 RETURN/ENTER: Complete line
 ^Z or F10   : Abort the input
 <- or ->    : move around (within token) 
 ^E          : Goto the end of the line
 DELETE      : Delete char
 ^A/F14      : Toggle insert/overstrike
 LF/F13      : Delete last token
 ^R or ^W    : repaint screen
 ^F or F11   : OVerride the "string" type to any other valid
                This can be useful for @commands where you
                know the parameter to be (f.e.) a filename.
 All these keysettings can be overruled by a startup_file.
 In this file you can define keys in the following syntax
 AUTO_KEY can be

    Key             Default  Meaning
    KAR_DEBUG       ^D       Print debug info 
    KAR_OVERRIDE    ^F,F11   Change the type of token
    KAR_EXPAND      TAB      Take the next valid token
    KAR_EXPAND_PREV ^H,F12   Take the previous valid token
    KAR_HELP        PF2,HELP Print help about verb [/qual]
    KAR_LIST        ^L,F8    List all allowable tokens
    KAR_ABORT       ^Z,F10   Abort and exit AUTO
    KAR_TOGGLE      ^A,F14   Toggle insert/overstrike
    KAR_EOL         ^E       Goto END OF LINE
    KAR_REPAINT     ^R,^W    Repaint the line (after a breakthru)
    KAR_TOG_VERBONE ^F,F9    Toggle VERBONE state
    KAR_DEL_TOKEN   ^J,F13   Delete current token
    KAR_TOG_EXECUTE ^V,F7    Toggle execute flag

   SMG_KEY can be any of the (non-printable) smgkeys
     CTRLA..CTRLZ         CRTLC,CTRLQ,CTRLS,CTRLY are illegal
     F7..F20              f1..f6 are illegal
     KP0..KP9		  (if keypad mode set)
     ENTER,MINUS,COMMA    (if keypad mode set)


$AUTO/EXECUTE   !Will let you create a command and then execute it
$AUTO/INFO      !Will let you create a command, and NOT execute it

Below is a key sequence example

Display                                 User types
Auto>                                    c		buildup CO
Auto>c                                   o
Auto>co                                  TAB             NExt match
Auto>CONTINUE                            TAB
Auto>CONFIGURE                           TAB
Auto>CONNECT                             TAB
Auto>CONVERT                             TAB
Auto>COPY                                F12             Prev match
Auto>CONVERT                             TAB             Next match
Auto>COPY                                /               Next qualifier
Auto>COPY/                               TAB             Next match
Auto>COPY/ALLOCATION                     =               Enter value
Auto>COPY/ALLOCATION=(                   1               enter number
Auto>COPY/ALLOCATION=(1                  )               Close value
Auto>COPY/ALLOCATION=(1)                 space           First param
Auto>COPY/ALLOCATION=(1)                 F               Filename begin
Auto>COPY/ALLOCATION=(1) F               TAB             First file matching F
Auto>COPY/ALLOCATION=(1) Firstfile.txt   space           Start second param
Auto>COPY/ALLOCATION=(1) Firstfile.txt   x               Second filename
Auto>COPY/ALLOCATION=(1) Firstfile.txt x Enter           All done 

If the /exec was given, AUTO now executes the command and returns to AUTO
otherwise AUTO just displayes the command and asks for the next

Try HELP at different positions to get help information
Try ^L/F8 at different positions to get a list of possible tokens

THe expand/previousexpand keys has some special features for some of the

Infile : Find the next/previous filename that matches the string appended with
         a *.*. The default filename is taken from the CLD tables (or *.*)
         If you are in the directory part of the filename, the next level
         directory is searched. If you have finished the directory input 
         AUTO will search files.

Outfile: Since the outfile does not have to exist, AUTO cannot expand for
         the filename, but it can for the directories. See the infile

Datetime:If the type is datetime and the string is empty AUTO will
         insert the value of TODAY (this_day:00:00:00)
         The cursor position will be on the day field. By using (prev)expand
         AUTO will in/decrease the day field. If you move the cursor over
         another part of the date (f.e. the MONTH) AUTO will in/decrease
         that field. All date fields can be changed in this way

Deltatime: The same as Datetime, only the default value is 0 00:00:00.00
         The expand rules are the same

THe help key will taken the following action
If the verb is found as verb in dcltables
  The help parameters are
   1. The name of the verb
   2. The name of the qualifier (if in qualifier input) or
      the text "PARAMETER" (if in parameter input)

If the verb is a symbol for an image
   Try to locate the help-library SYS$HELP:'imagename'.HLB
                               or SYS$HELP:'imagenameHLP'.HLB
                               or SYS$HELP:'imagename$HELP'.HLB
   IF that fails try the same sequence but in the same 
    device/directory as the image
   1. The name of the verb
   2. The name of the qualifier (if in qualifier input) or
      the text "PARAMETER" (if in parameter input)
If the verb is a symbol for a DCL procedure 
   Try to locate the helplibrary SYS$HELP:AUTO_PROCECURES.HLB 
                      or        auto_directory-dev'AUTO_PROCEDURES.HLB 
   The help parameters are
     1. The name of the verb
     2. The text "PARAMETER"
     3. The parameter number

If the helplibrary cannot be located, a single line help.

010 8 sep 2005
 First release
011 15 sep 2005
 Enhanced search for files/directories
012 27-sep 2005
 Enhanced search for dates
 Support for XXX_PARAMETER symbol
 support for online toggling of VERBONE state
020 17-oct-2005
 -Included the HELP function. You now can ask help about
  the command. Included are the AUTO_HELP.HL% for help about
  AUTO itself, and all dcl-type verbs and foreign commands.
 -Support online toggling of EXECUTE state.
 -Removed a bug in syntax changed where only image changed.
  Previously AUTO did not check for the presence of parameters
  or qualifier in the new syntax
021 12-dec-2005
 -Included VAX and IA64 support
 -Fixed a problem with terminal set to overstrike
 -Included the option to (do not) load the symbol table,
  and selective logical tables. 

Use it at your own risk, because we cannot take responsibility for crashes, dumps or even worse: loosing data.

Here is the auto 2.1 package ( 968kB zip file).

Please give your feedback to

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