Click on the letter that matches the first character in the product title. Click on product title to display product description. Index Generated: Wed Jan 10 17:18:29.75 1996 Jump to: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, or Z 10BACKUP - Program to Read DECsystem-10 BACKUP Tapes (V00185) A (jump to top) A FORTRAN Useropen Routine to Mark a File/NOBACKUP (V00372) A Generic User Interface (V00265) ABACUS: A Language for Interactive Scientific Computation (V00064) ACCESS_CHECK (V00507) ACCTING: Generation of VAX/VMS Accounting Reports (V00065) ADA Collection from SIMTEL20 (VS0091) ADADL - Ada-based Design and Documentation Language (V00198) ADAM Text Editor (V00305) AKCOUNT: A VMS System Accounting Package (V00127) ALL ABOUT EVE (V00560) Animated Sorting Algorithms (V00461) APL for VAX/VMS from SCI (V00031) APLTPU/APLEVE (V00374) Archive (V00068) ASU Utilities (V00433) ASxxxx Assembler Linker for VMS (V00522) AUTOLOG/AUTOUSE For PATHWORKS (VS0141) AUTOLOG: Automatic Logoff Program (V00111) B (jump to top) Bibliography System (V00085) Bitnet Postmaster's Guide (V00539) BLOCK_CHARACTERS (V00306) Blocked PID Locater (V00484) BLOCKER: A Block Diagram Editor (V00226) BLPGENERATE Utility (V00551) Boeing 747 Flight Simulator (V00094) BOPT (V00367) BRDCST: REPLY/ALL Messages Sent to Bottom of Screen (V00053) C (jump to top) C Swing and Other Utilities (V00530) CALC: A Calculator Program (V00015) CALENDAR (V00438) CalMail Calendar Manager Mail Daemon (V00549) CAYENNE (V00235) CCA Utilities (VS0082) CD_ACCESS (V00462) CDUTIL (V00359) CEDIT (V00478) CERBERUS: A Package to Enable the VMS System to Temporarily Grant Privileges to Non-privileged Users (V00118) Cessna PC Utilities (V00509) CGLE (V00498) Check Password/Password Policy (V00470) CHECKVER - Version Number Reviewer (V00496) Clinimetric Data Management Software for Interactive Data Entry (V00157) CLOC (V00309) CMSMMS (V00499) COBOL Cross Reference (V00319) CODER (V00232) COLOR241 (V00285) Computer Modern Font Files and Build Procedures (V00233) CPUCHECK (V00363) Cross_Help (V00476) CVTFILE-TAPEIBM (V00393) D (jump to top) Datebook (V00489) DATMAN/VAX (V00165) DBAG - Data Base System (V00335) DECnet Conversational Objects (V00217) DECps Reporting Routines - Start-up (V00563) DECserver - Print Queue (V00451) DECUS Essential Tools Collection for OpenVMS 1995 (VS0174) DECUS OpenVMS Library Collection (VS0158) DECUS Symposium Collection 13 (VS0167) DECUS Symposium Collection 14 (VS0168) DECUS Symposium Collection 15 (VS0169) DEL DIR (V00195) DELTREE (V00148) DEP DECENC - Decrypter/Encrypter (V00153) Development of Large Applications Using VAX DATATRIEVE (V00391) DF Utility (V00519) DFI/DMI and Helper (V00514) DIAL (V00149) Directory SCAN (V00228) DISK_MANAGER (V00253) DISK_USE (V00205) DISPATCH/SESSION_NOTES (V00564) DISPLAY_OPEN_FILES (V00304) DL_FIX Utility (V00381) DMF32 Parallel Port Driver (V00048) DODGEM: A Maze Game (V00039) DORMANT (V00490) DOS 2 VAX High BIT ASCII Character Translator (V00446) DR11-C VMS Device Driver (V00162) DR11-W Software Cornucopia (V00126) DRAWTREE (V00184) Driver (Fast) for a DR11-B used in a DA11-B Mode for VAX/VMS (V00089) DTR (V00275) DUNGEON (V00494) DVI to VDU: A TeX Page Previewer Program (V00135) DVI2PS (V00399) DVIOUT - DVI Output Driver (V00301) DWPROFILE (V00555) Dynamic Trio - OPDATA/PLOTDATA/EDGR (V00421) DYNIDENT (V00505) E (jump to top) EDT-PLUS: EDT Editor Extensions (V00312) EDTPlus (V00211) EDX and Other Stuff (V00385) Electronic Bulletin Board Service (V00370) EMPIRE: War Game of the Century (V00012) Encryption Routine (V00429) Environment: A Project Accounting Utility (V00287) Escape From Manhattan (V00163) EVEDT (V00396) EVEPlus (V00150) EXPERT: An Experimental Learning Expertsystem (V00222) Extended_EVEPlus (V00272) F (jump to top) FASTER (V00406) FCD (V00371) FED (V00234) FEDT (V00264) FIBA - File Batch Generator (V00444) File Attributes and Print Utilities (V00552) File Definition to Common Data Dictionary (V00506) FILELOCK.COM (V00532) FILTRA: A File Transfer Program for the VAX (V00078) Finger for VMS V5 (V00432) FIXDRIVER (V00529) FLECS: FORTRAN Language with Extended Control Structures (V00424) FLIGHT for VAX VMS (V00533) FLINT - IBM Floppy Interchange Program (V00422) Flowchart Generator (V00383) FNEWS (V00562) FONT2XX (V00159) FORMS ACCOUNTING and ACCOUNTING TOOLS (V00479) FORTRAN Programming Tools (V00129) FORTRANUM (V00417) FPaint: A FORTRAN Data Entry Manager (V00224) FRAG: A Utility to Display VAX/VMS Disk Fragmentation (V00206) FRAGMENT (V00251) FRAGMENT (V00269) FTX (V00336) Full Screen Selection Menu Generator (V00337) G (jump to top) GameParse (V00277) Games - Utilities and Monitor (V00456) GDADL - Ada-Based Design Language Processor (V00158) GLOBAL_EDIT (V00492) GLOBALS - Utility to List Global Sections (V00299) GO (V00303) GO (V00361) Golf Handicap/Information System (V00244) GOTHIC (V00392) H (jump to top) Halftone Greyscale Font for the LN03 (V00283) HEC-PACK (V00366) HEXEDIT - Hexadecimal Editor (V00536) HLM - HELP Library Maintenance (V00402) HogWatch (V00390) Holiday (V00554) Hot Files (V00501) HP-2000 Support Files, Misc Handy Sys.Mgr DCL Files (V00380) HPCALC (V00471) I (jump to top) I/O Page Utility (V00531) IDLELOG (V00513) IDSS: Interactive Decision Support System (V00145) IDX - SORT (V00196) IdxTeX & GloTeX (V00261) IEW TO VAX Bridge Software (V00520) IIT (V00342) IMAGE (V00208) Image Analysis (V00431) INACTIVE ACCOUNTS (V00202) INDEX: FORTRAN Cross-Referencer and Flow Chart Generator (V00099) Indexf (V00298) INFO: Software Development Tool Charts CPU Useage by Procedure (V00077) International RUNITOFF (V00175) IOU-HELP (V00161) IPS - Integrated Programming System (V00524) J (jump to top) JMU Bulletin Board (V00300) JMU Utilities (V00255) JUICER (V00183) K (jump to top) KEYPADS (V00252) KEYS (V00394) KEYS: A DCL Keys Definition Program (V00188) KIC2 and CIF to STRM; STRM to CIF Utilities (V00044) KILL (V00258) Kitbuild (V00388) KPY GRAPHICS-I Graphics Application (V00515) Kronos (V00423) L (jump to top) LA100HCBS: LA100 CalComp Library (V00121) LABELS (V00290) Language Sensitive Editor Template for RUNOFF (V00315) LASER_FORMAT (V00334) LASER_PRINT (V00295) LASERS, QUEUES and Other Fun Things (V00425) LAT Application Port Manipulation Routines (V00454) LATeX Templates & Help Files for LSE (V00171) LATUSER (V00356) Lawrence Berkeley Labs Software Tools (V00014) Lawrence University Tape Utilities (V00442) LeafWare and Graphics (V00458) LEFTWILD.COM (V00247) Liaison Tools (V00556) List Text File Viewer (V00548) LISTFILE (V00418) LJ250 DEColorwriter Demonstration Package (V00354) LN03R.ACL (V00405) LOCKOUT (V00395) LOGGER (V00508) LOOK - A BASIC Language File Browser (V00464) LOOPSCAN (V00537) LSE For INGRES OSL & SQL Languages (V00443) LSE-PLUS: Language Sensitive Editor Extensions (V00311) M (jump to top) MA Queueing/Routing (V00340) MACS: The MACRO Searcher (V00249) MAILIST: A Program to Develop a Mailing List (V00107) MAILUAF (V00379) MAILVIEW (V00415) MAINT (V00358) MAKE (V00241) MAKE Utility For VMS (V00267) MAKERDO (V00544) MAKESHARE.COM: A VMS Utility for Creating Shareable Images from Object Module Libraries (V00527) MANAGEMENT TOOLS (V00313) Manager's Window (V00353) MASS_UAF (V00538) MASTERMIND (V00472) MATHLIB (V00502) MDRAW (V00416) MENU (V00083) MENU (V00352) Menu Branch (V00332) Menu Utility (V00246) Message Exchange (V00482) Message Sending/Process Monitoring Utility (V00242) Micro-FLX (V00318) Micrograph Data Processing Program For UNIX (U00136) MINT (V00412) Miscellaneous VMS Utilities (V00487) MOTIF Audio CD Player for VMS (V00550) MS-DOS Collection from SIMTEL20, Part 1 of 2 (VS0089) MsgInc (V00259) MTREK (V00037) MTU (V00191) MULTIVAR (V00400) N (jump to top) Name Router (V00491) NANNY (V00066) NETSTAT (V00360) Network Management Utility (V00500) NEWS (V00214) NEWSRDR (V00485) NIH-Guide Reading Program for OpenVMS (V00557) NO_FRAGMENTS, SMART and XMODEM_AU (V00266) Node Sync (V00350) O (jump to top) OTHELLO (V00403) P (jump to top) PAAS: Poly-Amino Acid Sequence Search (V00273) PAM: Package for Analogue Modelling (V00057) Parallel Library V2 (V00180) PASTOR: A Syntax-Directed PASCAL Editor (V00218) PC-8088 Collection #11 (VS0057) PCTRL: Combined Command For VMS Process Control (V00260) Performance Monitoring Tools (V00257) Personal Inventory (V00168) PIC: Pictures Editor (V00338) PLA TOOLS (V00174) Placard Display (V00475) PLOT-10 for Non-Tektronix Hardcopy Devices (V00197) PLOT_IT and SPELL: Interactive Dictionary (V00212) POPUP: A DCL Popup Menu Utility (V00274) PORT LOCATOR (V00210) Portable Optical Disk Subroutine Package (V00237) POSE (V00469) Power and Sample Size Calculations (V00493) PQ Print Utility (V00428) PRED - Programmable Editor (V00523) Printmaster (V00389) Problem Reporting System (V00480) PROCESS_MONITOR (V00561) Productivity Tools Demonstration Package (V00116) PROFILE (V00439) PROGRAM - A VAX/VMS Program Development Environment (V00151) PROTEC (V00455) Protect (V00326) PROUD (V00397) PURGE READ & OUTBOX (V00512) PVT: Print Video Terminal Command Procedure (V00144) Q (jump to top) QMAN (V00467) QMASTER and DOWN (V00414) QMON (V00321) QUOTE (V00351) R (jump to top) RCS (V00504) RDB Report Writer (V00325) READ_RALLY (V00511) RECALL BUFFER Save/Restore (V00225) Recording VT100 Input/Output Transactions to a File (V00073) REFOR: FORTRAN Package for FORTRAN Renumbering and Prettyprinting (V00026) ReGIS Data Plotting Package (V00115) ReGIS DEC-RITE (V00114) ReGIS to HPGL Conversion Program (V00297) REGTRDG: ReGIS Translator for DECgraph (V00229) RELAX2.2: An Analysis of Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Integrated Circuits (MOS) (V00141) REMINDER (V00357) REMOTE CONTROL WIZZARD (V00308) REMTAB (V00413) REPORT WRITER (V00288) REPORT_USAGE.FOR (V00447) RESETV (V00468) S (jump to top) SCHEDULER: A Program to Manage All VAX System Activities (V00134) Screen Management System Subroutines (V00154) SD: The Ultimate "Set Default" Utility (V00344) SDCL: A Preprocessor for Structured VMS DCL (V00143) SDE: Software Development Environment (V00339) SDMENU (V00450) Security Tools Collection (VS0127) SEDT: Full Function Screen Editor Program (V00093) SEND (V00553) SEQUENCE (V00419) SGDS: Stuttgart Gate Array Development System (V00239) SHRINKER (V00543) SIGNAL (V00516) SIM: A Simulator for the M68010 (V00248) SIT System Software (V00452) SLSREQUEUE (V00404) SMARTMAILER For VMS (V00172) SMARTMAILER for VMS Binary Version (V00173) SOD (V00473) SOFT_FONT (V00474) Some Useful Command Files for VMS (V00018) Sorting Benchmarks (V00459) Space Telescope Tools Group (V00408) Space_Telescope Collection (V00375) SPICE2 (V00216) SPICE3 (V00006) SPLICE3 (V00091) SQUEEZER (V00477) SRC: A Functional Programming System (V00240) SRS - Symposium Registration System (V00434) STAT (V00005) STP - Setpoint's Text Processor (V00457) STSI - Misc Utilities (V00420) Student Data Base (V00087) Submitting Batch Jobs From a FORTRAN Program (V00369) SUM - Show Users More (V00349) Super EDT Emulator (V00254) Super Star Trek (V00003) Supervisor Series (V00521) SVIEW/SCOPY (V00329) SYDISPLAY (V00063) Symposium Collection from the DATATRIEVE/4GL SIG, Spring 1991, Atlanta (VS0059) Symposium Collection from the Languages and Tools SIG, Spring 1988, Cincinnati and Fall 1988, Anaheim (VS0095) Symposium Collection from the OA SIG, Fall 1989, Anaheim (VS0113) Symposium Collection from the VAX SIG, August 1991, New Zealand (VS0139) Symposium Collection from the VMS/Languages and Tools SIG, Part 1 of 2, Spring 1993, Atlanta (VS0172) Symposium Collection from the VMS/Languages and Tools SIG, Part 2 of 2, Fall 1993, San Francisco (VS0177) Symposium Collection from the VMS/Languages and Tools SIG, Part 2 of 2, Spring 1993, Atlanta (VS0173) Symposium Collection from the VMS/Languages and Tools SIG. Part 1 of 2, Fall 1993, San Francisco (VS0176) Symposium Collection from the VMS/Languages and Tools SIG. Part 1 of 2, Spring 1994, New Orleans (VS0178) Symposium Collection from the VMS/Languages and Tools SIg. Part 2 of 2, Spring 1994, New Orleans (VS0179) SYSTAT (V00291) System Notice Utility (V00384) Systems Services (V00323) SYSUAF Reporting Utility and Son of Directory (V00345) T (jump to top) T4125 - Tektronix 4125 Terminal Emulator (V00525) Tape Utilities (VS0097) TAPEREQUEST (V00067) TAR Tape Utilities (V00570) TCOPY: A High Speed Tape Copy Program (V00122) TDE: Table Driven Editor (V00190) TEKED (V00465) TELL.FOR (V00302) Temporary Allocation of Disk Space (V00204) Terminal Emulator for VAXstation (V00534) Terminal Server/Port Display (V00430) Terminator (V00284) TERMINATOR (V00449) Text Formatter for LN03 Printer (V00445) The LIMS/SM Utilities Collection (VS0067) The Meter Widget (V00565) Tickler (V00373) TIME Calculator (V00020) TIMESHEET.COM (V00427) TLP: Tape Library Program (V00017) Tomei Universal Engineering System Bench Test (V00289) TOPGUN (V00495) TOPICLIST and PARAMETER (V00398) TPU Hebrew Functionality (V00324) TPUPlus (V00387) TREK.BAS -- Startrek Game (V00282) TTP: Terminal Transfer Program (V00460) TXYZ: A Program for Semiconductor IC Thermal Analysis (V00176) TYPE_PLUS (V00201) U (jump to top) UCAMS: Universal Cross-Assembler for Microprocessors (V00250) UH/UM/UT Device Drivers for VMS (V00386) Uniform Random Numbers and DCL Symbols (V00368) UNIX-C Collection from SIMTEL20 (VS0088) UNO Card Game (V00401) UNTAR for VAX/VMS (V00276) UP TIME REPORTER (V00203) Usage Utilities for VAX/VMS (V00095) USERS (V00547) V (jump to top) VAX - RMD (V00243) VAX Archiving (V00488) VAX BASIC Toolkit of Useful Callable Functions (V00410) VAX Capacity Management Tool (V00314) VAX ReGIS Graphics Library (V00365) VAX Scan Examples (V00518) VAX STATISTICS (V00113) VAX to PPS (V00426) VAX-To-VAX Migration Tools (V00382) VAX/VMS Async Communications: KERMIT and X/Y/Z MODEM (VS0107) VAX_BYTE and XTetris (V00528) VAXDASH (V00436) VAXMAC (V00268) VAXNET: A Communications Program (V00137) VAXstation 100 VDS (V00376) VAXstation Games (V00322) VAXWindow (V00316) VCR_FILES (V00320) VCU VAX/VMS Calendar Utility (V00327) VFE - VMS File Editor (V00292) VIEW (V00286) VIEW 3D: Three Dimensional Viewing Package (V00058) Virtual/Logical Block I/O Utilities (V00060) Visual Mail (V00566) VMAP - SCREEN MAPPING DEVELOPMENT TOOL FOR VT100 (V00278) VMS Disassemblers Package (V00238) VMS Gopher Server (V00569) VMS Performance Monitoring (V00293) VMS Show Files (V00448) VMS V5 Set Password Emulator (V00346) VPROG (V00407) VSH: A Shell (Command Interpreter) for VAX/VMS (V00123) VT100 Graphics Editor (V00377) VT100KEYS (V00333) VT200 TOOLKIT (V00181) VTBOOK (V00571) VTCALC (V00330) VTEDIT: Keypad Text Editor and Corrector for VAXTPU (V00193) VTOUTPUT (V00348) VYLBUR (A Wylbur-like Editor for the VAX) (V00199) W (jump to top) WATCH6 (V00559) WATCHDOG (V00146) WATCHER (V00486) WCC: A C-Subset Compiler (V00281) WEB Pack (V00294) West Germany Tape Utilities (VS0115) WEVE - WONDERFUL EVE EDITOR (V00279) WHALES (V00435) WOMBAT: A Netlist Comparison Program (V00092) WORLD: A Two-Four Player War Game (V00036) X (jump to top) X11TEK (V00463) XDELETE (V00362) XEVE Spelling Checker (V00453) XMAIL: VAX/VMS Mail Utility Enhancements (V00378) XMODEM (V00096) XPORT (V00164) Y (jump to top) Z (jump to top) (jump to top) Total Entries: 442 © DECUS U.S. Chapter, 1995. DECUS and the DECUS logo are trademarks of Digtial Equipment Corporation. All other names, products and services are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.