Article 5041 of vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.cmu-tek: Stan Gierlotka wrote: > I am a bit suspicious about hardware-flow-control issue. > What else can I do? What should I look at? Do not trust the modem indicators ... stick a breakout box or monitor box between the VAX modem and the VAX. Clarify the settings of flow control that the VAX modem has. I use a 14k4 modem to a VAXstation 4000/VLC. When I was using OpenCMU/IP (I have since upgraded to UCX, it's free for me), I had the following terminal settings ... /permanent - /nodec_crt - ! prevents characters transmitted by SET /nomodem - ! note my VAX was the dialling end, not dialled /nohangup - /commsync - ! enable RTS/CTS flow control from modem /nottsync - ! ignore XON/XOFF flow control from modem /nohostsync - ! disable XON/XOFF flow control from host /passall - ! perform no translations /nowrap - ! because it happened to work when I did it /speed=19200 Also, the modem was set for 19200 signalling rate to the VAX. If I left it at defaults, it would try for 9600 baud or 14400 baud. Ouch. Now, with the VAX talking at 19200, and the modem talking at 19200, but the modem running at 14400, the only flow control issue is the VAX sending too much to the modem. So I configured the modem to assert flow control, and configured the VAX to watch the RTS/CTS flow control signals on the modem interface. I could only do this with TTA2 on a VAXstation 4000/VLC, due to the absence of these input lines on the TTA3 connector. I also had to change a SYSGEN parameter. I set TTY_SCANDELTA down to 1000000. If you think about it, this parameter is calibrated in 100 nanosecond units, which is 0.1 microseconds. One million of them is one tenth of a second. The default was one second. This parameter specifies how often the driver checked for RTS/CTS being asserted by the modem. If you check once per second, then the VAX could send up to 1920 bytes at 19200 baud before noticing that it should stop. I set this to one tenth of a second, because I found the modem had a buffer somewhere between 1920 bytes and 192 bytes. -- James Cameron ( Digital Equipment Corporation (Australia) Pty. Limited A.C.N. 000 446 800