Article 151287 of comp.os.vms: We've used Patch on VAX for a long time, simply to turn off the LNKDEBUG bit in the image header: $ patch/absolute/journal=nl:/output='p2' 'p1' $deck examine/byte 20 ! 50 for Alpha deposit/byte 20=<\@-1>@1 ! 50 for Alpha update exit $eod This means we can leave full debug info in the image (which gives us an overhead on disk, but no significant run-time overhead, I believe), we can RUN/DEBUG or ANAL/PROC if we want to, but normal use (either RUN, RUN process, MCR or foreign command invocation) doesn't get the debugger. Any suggestions on how to do this on Alpha ? Can PATCH be VESTed ? RUN/NODEBUG isn't enough, since we do use the other ways of invoking images. Thanks, Chris Sharman