Unauthorized Windows 95 Update -- UNOBFUSC ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * UNOBFUSC.C -- Code to de-obfuscate process and thread IDs in Win95. This is a brand-new file, not included with Unauthorized Win95. See Matt Pietrek's book Windows 95 System Programming Secrets for further details on obfuscated IDs in Win95. * UNOBFUSC.H -- Header file, including the process data structure (thanks, Thuan!!). Again, this is a brand-new file, not included with Unauthorized Win95. * UNOBFUSC.EXE -- A small, standalone demonstration of the UNOBFUSC code. Sample output: GetCurrentProcessID ==> FFFDA44Dh PIDToPDB ==> 815335B4h XOR pattern ==> 7EAE91F9h PSP: 2BAFh Mem Context: C10919ECh Win16 TDB: 0BC6h GetCurrentThreadID ==> FFFCF4E1h TIDToTDB ==> 81526518h XOR pattern ==> 7EAE91F9h ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The O'Reilly Windows Center Unauthorized Windows 95 Update