At the bottom of this page is a list of web based remailers and some other helpful sites to keep you anonymous. These links will grow, but I want only the really helpful ones.

You don't need anything fancy on the web or special software to have anonymous email. Just follow the simple instructions, using your own mail client and you are on your way.

The procedure here is chain remailing. You send your message through several remailers, each removes traces of the previous. You need only one or two remailers.
There are several remailers listed for use below. If you want really untraceable email, obtain the PGP keys from each remailer and put the remail to: section in PGP.

Open your email client.
In the "To" section put
leave subject blank, it's not relevant here.
Fill in the message area as follows:


your message here.

Here are a few more remailers to experiment with. Please note they come and go, check them out first, remail one to yourself first.

Which page do you want to go to?

Just put your cursor over the name of the site to get a description of what they offer

Remailers Home Page
The Ecafe
The Anonymizer
uSuRa's Home Page
Don's Home Page
Amazing Free Stuff Page

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