Text table to HTML conversion utility AscToTab ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * download AscToTab * look at some some example tables * Read the on-line AscToTab documentation What AscToTab does AscToTab is a command line utility that converts plain text tables into HTML tables. Not comma-separated or tab-separated lists, but plain text tables. Support for such lists may appear in later versions, besides which there are already tools that do this. AscToTab will attempt to :- * determine how many columns the table has * determine the default alignment of each column * determine which rows are header rows * spot entries that span several columns * spot entries that span several rows. Additionally the user can select * BORDER attribute * CELLPADDING and CELLSPACING attributes * BGCOLOR and BORDERCOLOR attributes * a CAPTION * the actual header size, and a number of columns to be marked up in ... markup (bold). More information AscToTab has evolved out of AscToHTM technology, and will shortly be included in AscToHTM. Version 1.0 of AscToTab is postcardware or freeware. Later versions, like AscToHTM, may be offered as shareware. The program will be available under Windows 95/NT and OpenVMS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For more information contact John A Fotheringham This is hit number [Image]. Go back to AscToHTM's home page or JAF's home page or Yezerski Roper's home page Last modified: 12-Dec-1997 ------------------------------------------------------------------------