Path:!!philabs!!!!!!!uunet!!!!!!!!MATHOG From: Newsgroups: comp.os.vms Subject: Re: simple rename question Date: 19 Nov 1997 16:31:32 GMT Organization: Biology Division, Caltech, Pasadena CA 91125 Lines: 293 Message-ID: <64v494$> References: <> Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <>, writes: >Hello, > >a user would like to rename hundreds of files in the form of: > > $RENAME text1*.* text2*.* > >Is there any easy way to do this? The command above won't do it. > Here comes massive overkill. Following my signature you will find FIX_UNIXNAME.COM. This has all sorts of file name manipulation capabilities. For your needs, see the description of the P5 parameter. WARNING! You want to be *very* careful how you use this tool, as it can completely massacre a lot of filenames. I only resort to it when, as above, many filenames are involved, and then I always run a bunch of test cases in a separate directory to make sure that the syntax is just right. Regards, David Mathog Manager, sequence analysis facility, biology division, Caltech ************************************************************************** * Affordable VMS? See: * ************************************************************************** $!FIX_UNIXNAME.COM $! 7-DEC-1995, David Mathog, Biology Division, Caltech $! $! This routine converts hideous Unixy filenames, such as: $! $RC_100A.T7$5NS$EQ$5NTXT $! to a more civilized form, such as: $! rc_100a_t7.seq $! $! Parameters are: $! P1 Name of file or wildcarded search string $! P2 "Period priority". Options are FIRST and LAST, default being $! LAST. These take effect after the string is converted to the $! unix form, ie RC_100A.T7.Seq.txt $! P3 Replacement pairs. Not case sensitive. A string like: $! "seq.txt,.txt,.bin,.abi" These consist of a pattern to find, $! and a string to replace it with. Most useful for removing the $! drivel that Mac's FETCH sticks on the end. "^" matches begin and $! end of a filename, ie ".bin^" will only pick up a final ".bin" $! P4 Anything but a "" silences logging of changes $! P5 Reorder target pairs. For instance, $! foo_1996_01.dat -> foo_01_1996.dat, use: $! "foo_,1,,4,_,3,,2,.dat,5" $! Which works this way, it finds 4 pieces: $! 1: foo_ (found) -> 1 foo_ $! 2: 1996 (inferred) -> 4 01 $! 3: _ (found) -> 3 _ $! 4: 01 (inferred) -> 2 1996 $! 5: .dat (found) -> 5 .dat $! $! P6 If set, enter debugging/trace mode. File names will $! not be affected. $! $! In first pass all $5N are converted to "." $! In second pass all single $ are removed. $! In third pass all replacements are done $! In fourth pass all reorders are done $! In fifth pass, reduce to one "." $! $! Here is an example use, which cleans up ABI sequence files transferred $! with the Mac program fetch. All ".seq.txt" files become ".seq", and $! all ".bin" files become ".abi" $! $! $ @fix_unixname disk:[directory.subdirectory...]*.* "" ".seq.txt,.seq,.bin^,.abi^" $! $! Here is an example to convert "foobar_tar.;1" to "foobar.tar" (these $! often result after running gunzip on a Unix produced file.) It replaces $! all _ with ".", then deletes the final ".". $! $! $ @fix_unixname *.* "" "_,.,.^,^" $! $! Here is an example that converts like this: $! VAX_01_1996.DAT -> VAX_1996_01.DAT $! $! $ @fix_unixname vax_*_19*.dat "" "" "" "VAX_,1,,4,_,3,,2,.dat^,5" $! $! Note that especially for the swapping around mode it is crucial $! that the search string in P1 not pick up the already swapped (ie,new) $! filename. If it does, it will swap it, then swap it back!!! $! $! $! Revisions $! 12-JUL-1996, David Mathog, Biology Division, Caltech $! Added swap stuff to change the order of the pieces in names. $! Added a trap at the bottom so that nonwildcarded P1 don't loop $! forever. $! Added debugging/trace mode $! $ if(P1 .nes. "") $ then $ searchfor = P1 $ else $ inquire searchfor "Enter a Unixy filename or wildcarded search string" $ endif $! $ if(P2 .nes. "") $ then $ PerPri = F$EDIT(P2,"TRIM,UPCASE") $ if(PerPri .nes. "FIRST")then PerPri = "LAST" $ else $ PerPri = "LAST" $ endif $! $ reppairs="" $ if(P3 .nes. "")then reppairs = P3 $ reppairs = f$edit(reppairs,"UPCASE,TRIM") $! $ silent = P4 $! $ swappairs="" $ if(P5 .nes. "")then swappairs = P5 $ swappairs = f$edit(swappairs,"UPCASE,TRIM") $! $ trace = P6 $! $! Top of search string $! $TOP: $ file = f$search(searchfor) $ if(file .eqs. "")then exit $ target = f$parse(file,,,"NAME") + f$parse(file,,,"TYPE") $ yuckname = "^" + target + "^" $! $! pass1, convert all $5N to "." $! $TOP1: $ site = f$locate("$5N",yuckname) $ len = f$length(yuckname) $ if(site .ne. len) $ then $ yuckname= f$extract(0,site,yuckname) - + "." - + f$extract(site+3,len-site-3,yuckname) $ goto top1 $ endif $! $! pass2, get rid of all loose "$" $! $TOP2: $ back = f$element(1,"$",yuckname) $ if(back .nes. "$") $ then $ yuckname = yuckname - "$" $ goto top2 $ endif $! $! pass3, Do all substitutions $! $ if(reppairs .eqs. "")then goto bottom3 $ if(trace .nes. "")then write sys$output "Replacing pieces" $count = 0 $TOP3: $ was = f$element(count,",",reppairs) $ willbe = f$element(count+1,",",reppairs) $ count = count + 2 $ if(was .eqs. "," .or. willbe .eqs.",")then goto bottom3 $ site = f$locate(was,yuckname) $ len = f$length(yuckname) $ lenw = f$length(was) $ if(site .ne. len) $ then $ if(trace .nes. "")then write sys$output "before = ",yuckname $ yuckname= f$extract(0,site,yuckname) - + willbe - + f$extract(site+lenw,len-site-lenw,yuckname) $ if(trace .nes. "")then write sys$output "after = ",yuckname $ endif $ goto top3 $bottom3: $! $! pass4, Do all swaps. First it finds all pieces sequentially $! and bails on any that are missing a piece. Then it rearranges $! them. $! $ if(swappairs .eqs. "")then goto bottom4 $ if(trace .nes. "")then write sys$output "Swapping pieces" $ count = 0 $ outcount = 0 $ scan = 0 $ chewme = yuckname $TOP4: $ if(trace .nes. "")then write sys$output "chewme ",chewme $ was = f$element(count,",",swappairs) $ willbe = f$element(count+1,",",swappairs) $ if(trace .nes. "")then write sys$output "what,where ",was," ",willbe $ count = count + 2 $ if(was .eqs. "," .or. willbe .eqs.",") $ then $ outcount = outcount + 1 $ sw_'outcount'_string="" $ if(trace .nes. "")then write sys$output "sw_''outcount'_string ",sw_'outcount'_string $ goto nearbottom4 $ endif $ if(was .eqs. "") $ then $ if(scan .eq. 1) $ then $ write sys$output "Fatal syntax error in swap string = ''swappairs'" $ exit $ endif $ scan = willbe $ goto top4 $ endif $ site = f$locate(was,chewme) $ len = f$length(chewme) $ lenw = f$length(was) $! $! an element was not found, so no swaps $! $ if(site .eq. len)then goto bottom4 $! $! pick up the implied piece, if called for $! $ if(scan .ne. 0) $ then $ sw_'scan'_string = f$extract(0,site,chewme) $ if(trace .nes. "")then write sys$output "sw_''scan'_string ",sw_'scan'_string $ outcount = outcount + 1 $ scan = 0 $ endif $ outcount = outcount + 1 $ sw_'willbe'_string = f$extract(site,lenw,chewme) $ if(trace .nes. "")then write sys$output "sw_''willbe'_string ",sw_'willbe'_string $ chewme = f$extract(site+lenw,len-site-lenw,chewme) $ goto top4 $! $! here finish up by rearranging the pieces $! $nearbottom4: $ count = 1 $ yuckname = "" $nb4: $ if(sw_'count'_string .nes. "") $ then $ yuckname = yuckname + sw_'count'_string $ count = count + 1 $ goto nb4 $ endif $bottom4: $! $! Pass5, reduce to one period, all others become "_". $! $ onedot = -1 $ len = f$length(yuckname) $ top5: $ site = f$locate(".",yuckname) $ if(site .ne. len) $ then $ yuckname= f$extract(0,site,yuckname) - + "_" - + f$extract(site+1,len-site-1,yuckname) $ if(PerPri .eqs. "FIRST") $ then $ if(onedot .eq. -1)then onedot = site $ else $ onedot = site $ endif $ goto top5 $ endif $! $! $! $ yuckname= f$extract(0,onedot,yuckname) - + "." - + f$extract(onedot+1,len-onedot-1,yuckname) $! $! strip off the beginning and ending "^" and put the directory stuff back on $! $ yuckname = yuckname - "^" - "^" $ if(target .nes. yuckname) $ then $ if(silent .eqs. "") $ then $ write sys$output "was: ''target'" $ write sys$output "is: ''yuckname'" $ endif $ if(trace .eqs. "") then rename 'file' 'yuckname' $ endif $! $! trap searchfor without wildcard - this could loop endlessly $! for some commands $! $ len = f$length(searchfor) $ site1 = f$locate("*",searchfor) $ site2 = f$locate("%",searchfor) $ if(len .eq. site1 .and. len .eq. site2)then exit $ goto top