[BlueSave Logo] Copyright © 1998 Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell Last Updated June 26, 1998, Version 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Introduction When Windows NT crashes the system displays a screen full of information about the crash that is known as the “Blue Screen of Death” (BSOD) or just a “Blue Screen”. How many times have you or your system administrator wished that you had a copy of a Blue Screen’s text handy for examination, or so that you could e-mail it to a developer? We can all think of better ways to spend our time than by copying down an 80x50 page of hexadecimal numbers onto a sheet of paper, one digit at a time. BlueSave is the solution to your dilemma. Once you install it, any Blue Screen your system encounters will be automatically saved to a text file so that when the system reboots you’ll have it waiting for you to examine, e-mail or print. BlueSave works on NT 4.0. Installing and Using After you have run the Setup program and BlueSave rebooted your system, BlueSave will be ready to do its job. When your system crashes, you will see a message on the Blue Screen indicating that BlueSave has written the screen contents to a file. The file, which you can examine after the system reboots, is located at \WINNT\BLUESCRN.TXT (or your equivalent System Root directory). The file is only 8KB in size. If you get a “One or more services failed to start” error during a boot and the System event log shows that BlueSave indicates that a device is off-line, simply run the RegSetup utility that is installed in the BlueSave program group. After it has run reboot and BlueSave will be activated again. This trial version of BlueSave will record up to 3 Blue Screen images, after which it will fail to load. At that time an event will be written to the system event log that indicates that BlueSave failed to load because a user’s account has expired. The non-use limited version of BlueSave is available for purchase at Winternals We've provided the source and executable to a program, BSOD, that you can use to intentionally crash your computer in order to test BlueSave. Note that this program uses a device driver component to perform privileged operations and is therefore not exploiting a bug in Windows NT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download BlueSave Trial (660KB) View an example of a saved Blue Screen Download BSOD Crash Program with Source (20KB) [Image]