Everhart, Glenn From: Scott Freeman [scottf@canmax.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 1999 2:11 PM To: ntdev@atria.com Subject: [ntdev] NtQuerySystemInfo For anybody interested, here is a nearly complete structure of process information filled in by the call to NtQuerySystemInformation: #pragma warning(disable:4200) // Zero sized array typedef struct _tagProcessInfo { DWORD dwOffset; DWORD dwThreadCount; DWORD dwUnknown1[6]; // These are the same for every process FILETIME ftCreationTime; LARGE_INTEGER liUserTime; LARGE_INTEGER liKernelTime; DWORD dwUnknown2[1]; WCHAR* pszProcessName; DWORD dwBasePriority; DWORD dwProcessID; DWORD dwParentProcessID; DWORD dwHandleCount; DWORD dwUnknown3; // Same as dwUnknown1 and dwUnknown4 DWORD dwUnknown4; DWORD dwVirtualBytesPeak; DWORD dwVirtualBytes; DWORD dwPageFaults; DWORD dwWorkingSetPeak; DWORD dwWorkingSet; DWORD dwPagedPoolPeak DWORD dwPagedPool; DWORD dwNonPagedPoolPeak DWORD dwNonPagedPool; DWORD dwPageFileBytesPeak; DWORD dwPrivateBytes; DWORD dwPageFileBytes; DWORD dwUnknown5[4]; // ExitTime? THREADINFO ti[0]; } PROCESSINFO, *PPROCESSINFO; #pragma warning(default:4200) The only thing lacking from here, as far a I can see, is the CPU usage as reported by NT task manager. Any info on how a can obtain that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ To unsubscribe, send email to ntdev-request@atria.com with body UNSUBSCRIBE (the subject is ignored). ]