From: Wanderley J. Abreu Junior [storm@UNIKEY.COM.BR] Sent: Thursday, July 29, 1999 3:32 AM To: BUGTRAQ@SECURITYFOCUS.COM Subject: Yet Another ODBC Bugged ASP Sample Page Dear Team, Exploiting ODBC Features that come with your sample programs is not a mistery for any of us. So Let me add one more ASP Sample with similar troubles: http://server/ASPSamp/AdvWorks/equipment/catalog_type.asp or yet http://server/AdvWorks/equipment/catalog_type.asp It lets you execute shell comands like the other scripts. It is a Active Server Page so it runs the query as a local user and doesn't need any type of Remote Data Service to access the DSN. It just require the default DSN (advworks) set. The Exploit command line can be for instance : http://server/AdvWorks/equipment/catalog_type.asp?ProductType=|shell("cmd+/c +dir+c:\")| Sorry if this SERIOUS security failure was already reported. Regards, Wanderley Junior