Everhart, Glenn From: system@SendSpamHere.ORG Sent: Thursday, March 25, 1999 4:57 AM To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com Subject: Re: Macro Code from VAX to Alpha. In article <36F9AA41.1B9E@tsoft-inc.com>, David Froble writes: >yyyc186.illegaltospam@ibm.net wrote: >>You can't port Macro code. Most of it did things no longer allowed on the >>Alpha platform. The Macro-32 compiler has been discontinued by dec. You >>need to look at what each of these (probably very old) modules did and use >>the correct system service function or linker option. > >This is really too much. The MACRO-32 compiler on Alpha works very >well, >and is still supplied on my VMS V7.2 distribution. Misinformation like >this shouldn't happen. Who posted this, Andrew? :-) > >The biggest problem I had porting MACRO-32 code was a questionable >technique used on the VAX. Copying arguments from the stack while >incrementing the AP [ (AP)+ ] worked very well on VAX but since >on Alpha you didn't really have access to the 'real' AP from MACRO-32 >it was a small problem. I've since learned to use less shortcuts. This is yet another example of the misunderstanding of the Alpha and the macro compiler on the Alpha. One of the first macros I hacked in the earliest days of the first OpenVMS Alpha release was a macro to permit this practice to be maintained -- in tact -- in macro source code ported to the Alpha. How long ago, you ask? Anyone here remem- ber the program announcement machines DEC put in the internet? Then, of course, you might choose to believe a scumbag that prevaricated a claim that I was taught everything I know about VMS whilst Mr. Simpson was cruising down the freeway in his Ford Bronco... in which case, how could this code possibly exist on the program announcement machine. -- VAXman- OpenVMS APE certification number: AAA-0001 VAXman@TMESIS.COM