Distributed Systems Technology Centre
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© DSTC Pty Ltd 1998
Last modified: Thu Nov 18 12:12:33 1999

Oscar download |
The Oscar source is available as a .tar.gz format file.
Please read the following license before
Once you have downloaded the Oscar tar file you will need to unpack it. You
can do this by running:
gunzip -c oscar-3.1.1.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
or if you are blessed with the GNU version of tar by running:
tar -zxvf oscar-3.1.1.tar.gz
You will need a C++ compiler which supports some ANSI C++ standard
features in order to build Oscar. Oscar has been tested with gcc-2.95.1.
Oscar requires the following packages which you will also need to
download and install.
Installation instructions are in INSTALL, but essentially you need to do:
make check (optional)
make install (or if you want your binaries to drop by about 20Mb, make install-strip)
Oscar has been tested on the following platforms:
- Solaris 2.6
- Linux 2.2.5-15/Redhat 6.0
Oscar has also been reported to work on the following platforms:
- Linux 2.2.12-20/Redhat 6.1 (thanks to Mark.Macherey@goodwillsew.com)
However, Oscar should port to other Unix variants with minimal effort.
If you do manage to get Oscar running successfully on another platform
then please send the patches you used to get it working to: oscar-bugs@dstc.edu.au.