Notes: T1lib
To install the T1lib one first executes @configure in the toplevel
directory of the source tree. This analyzes the system and creates scripts for the library as well as the Xglyph and type1afm
applications. All of them are then simply build by executing the master again in the toplevel directory of T1lib.
To use the Xglyph application one needs an installed copy of the
Xaw library. checks for the
location of the library in the following places:
- x11_root:[xaw]
- x11:[xaw]
- [-.x11.xaw]
To use the T1lib one should define the following logicals
- This should point to the directory where you intent to keep your
configuration file (t1lib.config) for t1lib applications. I personally
consider it convenient to use this as the root for the font/afm/encoding
directories too, since this keeps everything in one place.
- This one is used by Xglyph to determine the config-file to use for this
particular application (if not defined it will look for t1lib.config
in the current working directory)
Example Configuration file
Here is the configuration file I currently use:
This is a configuration file for t1lib
General remark: Since OpenVMS directory specifications tend to contain
the colon as a valid part of their name this can't really be used as the
separation character for the paths given in the config file (as it is
in the Unix version of t1lib). To keep changes to a minimum the semicolon
was adopted as the separation character, since this was already used for
this purpose in the OS/2 version of the code.
- Fontdatabase
- This is a simple textfile containing one line with the name of the
AFM file for each font to be used by the application. The first line
contains the number of fonts declared afterwards. In case you have
Type1 fonts without the corresponding AFM file you can create the
missing information using the type1afm program, which is part of
- Encoding
- Searchlist where T1lib tries to locate files describing the
character encodings used by the fonts. Encodings that are
provided with T1lib are IsoLatin 1 and 2.
- Searchlist where T1lib tries to locate the AFM (Adobe Font Metric)
files for the fonts used. Information kept in these files concerns
character sizes, ligatures, kerning etc.
- Type1
- Searchlist where T1lib tries to locate the actual font files. If
you have DECwindows installed on your system you even get some
fonts delivered by DEC (Courier and Utopia), which can be used
after one has created the necessary AFM files.
T1lib comes with two applications:
- Xglyph
- This one allows you to experiment with various settings for the
display of characters and to examine the effects of e.g. using
anti-aliasing, tilting etc.
- type1afm
- This application allows to create the AFM file if you have the
font file.
Usage: type1afm [-l] <fontfile1> [<fontfile2> ...]
Generate afm-file from Adobe Type 1 font file!
Options: -l Write a log-file t1lib.log
Linking with t1lib
In principle this works as expected. One thing to be aware of is that
t1lib is built on OpenVMS Alpha using the IEEE floating point format.
So you might need to compile applications using t1lib with this
option too.
Applications that use t1lib
- Xpdf
- PDF-Viewer for X11. Building with T1lib support enables it to display
rotated text on OpenVMS systems.
User Notes
Notes Entry

Comments to: Martin P.J. Zinser
Last modified: 20000109