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Release Notes

Software Development Kit (SDK) v 1.4.2-3
for the OpenVMS Integrity (I64) Operating System

for the Java™ Platform

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These release notes contain installation instructions, new features, fixed problems, known issues, and other information specific to the Software Development Kit (SDK) v 1.4.2-3 for the OpenVMS I64 Operating System for the Java™ Platform (hereafter called simply the SDK), which is the OpenVMS I64 port of Sun Microsystems' Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition (J2SDK). In addition to these release notes, the release-independent User Guide contains information on getting started using the SDK, and troubleshooting. This kit can be used to develop and run Java™ applets and programs on OpenVMS I64 systems, Version 8.2-1 and higher.

The SDK v 1.4.2-3 kit implements the J2SDK v 1.4.2, and is based on Sun's J2SDK 1.4.2_09 Solaris Reference Release. Use the java -version command to check the version of the SDK that you are using.

Note that the SDK kit contains the HotSpot Virtual Machine that is designed for maximum program execution speed for applications running in a server environment.

To set up up your Java environment, use the following command:

$ @SYS$COMMON:[JAVA$142.COM]JAVA$142_SETUP      ! Use the HotSpot VM

Note: For simplicity, these release notes assume you installed the SDK using the default location and therefore reference SYS$COMMON:[JAVA$142] throughout the text. However, if you specified a destination and installed the kit in that alternate location, substitute that location for the default while reading the examples in this document.

For more information on using the HotSpot VM, refer to the I64 Implementation section of the User Guide.

Note: We expect to provide updates to this SDK v 1.4.2-3 kit, and we recommend that you install the latest update. To check the availability of newer kits, please visit our software download web page.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure you understand the Copyright (copyright.html, installed file) and License (license.html, installed file) information before using this release.

On OpenVMS, the Java virtual machine has a minimum required value for PGFLQUOTA of 512000 pagelets (250 MB). Beginning with SDK v 1.4.2-2, the maximum size of the Java heap on OpenVMS for Integrity (Itanium) has been extended from 900 MB to 1500 MB. To take advantage of the larger heap, you may need a larger process Page File Quota. Please see section Setting Process Quotas for Better Performance on OpenVMS in the User Guide for more information on maximum heap size and guidelines on setting PGFLQUO according to your heap size.

New Features

The following sections briefly describe the new features HP has included in SDK v 1.4.2. HP recommends that you read Sun's Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, Enhancements and Changes in J2SE™ 1.4.2 Platform for a thorough description of all new features and enhancements available in the J2SDK v 1.4.2.

SDK v 1.4.2-3 New Features

This kit installs SDK v 1.4.2-3, which is a maintenance release with the following new feature from HP:

  • Enhancements have been made to support longer filenames that are possible on ODS-5 disks.

SDK v 1.4.2-2 New Features

This kit installs SDK v 1.4.2-2, which is a maintenance release. In addition to extending the maximum heap size from 900 MB to 1500 MB, this release includes the following new features from HP:

New HotSpot Options:

  • -XX:+UseParallelGC, use parallel garbage collection, can improve the performance of your application on multiprocessor systems, and is strongly recommended for applications using large heaps.

  • The option, -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC, use the concurrent low pause garbage collector, uses a separate collector thread to do parts of old generation collection concurrently with the application threads. A parallel version of the new generation collector is used as well, to further reduce pause times.

  • The option, -XX:+AggressiveHeap, instructs the JVM to push memory use to the limit. It sets the overall heap to around 1500 MB, the memory management policy defers collection as long as possible, and some GC activity is done in parallel.

  • The option, -Xincgc, enables the incremental garbage collector. The incremental garbage collector, which is off by default, will eliminate occasional garbage-collection pauses during program execution. However, it can lead to a roughly 10% decrease in overall performance.

  • The optimistic garbage collection flag, -Xoptgc, improves garbage collection performance of applications with mostly short-lived objects. A server-side application that creates many short-lived objects for each transaction is likely to benefit greatly with -Xoptgc. However this flag should be used with caution. It is not recommended for applications that build up objects quickly during the run time that are not short-lived.

  • To see the default value for the Java Heap, use the -XheapInitialSizes option.

For additional information on these options, see Non-standard Options in the User Guide.

SDK v 1.4.2-1 New Features

SDK v 1.4.2-1 was the initial production release for the OpenVMS I64 Operating System.

Fixed Problems

The following sections provide important information about problems that HP has fixed in SDK v 1.4.2. HP recommends that you also review Sun's Java 2 SDK and Runtime Environment Important Bug Fixes and Changes documentation for information concerning bug fixes that Sun has made for this release.

Problems Fixed in SDK v 1.4.2-3

SDK v 1.4.2-3 is based on Sun Microsystems' J2SDK 1.4.2_09 Solaris Reference Release and passes all the tests in Sun's Java Compatibility Kit test suite (JCK V1.4a). This SDK is a maintenance release and contains the following fixed problem from HP.

  • A path in the implementation of JFileChooser was not thread safe. This had been corrected.


SDK v 1.4.2 is compatible with previous versions of the SDK. Most existing programs will run on the SDK v 1.4.2 platform. However, some important incompatibilities do exist and are thoroughly discussed in Sun's Java 2 Platform Compatibility with Previous Releases document. For specific J2SDK v 1.4.2 incompatibilities refer to the section, Incompatibilities in the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, v1.4.2 (since 1.4.1).


The following sections describe how to install the SDK v 1.4.2 kit on your OpenVMS I64 system.


The prerequisites for installing this kit are:

  • OpenVMS I64 V8.2-1 or higher.

  • TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS I64 V5.5 or higher with latest ECO
    Note: We do not support MultiNet directly. All of our testing and certification is done using TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS; however, because we do not call UCX directly and use only the socket functions available from HP C, MultiNet should work with this SDK.

  • DECWindows Motif 1.5, if you plan on AWT use.

  • Secure Web Browser (SWB) 1.7-8, if you plan on using Java Plugins with SWB.

Mandatory Patches

To successfully install and run the SDK for OpenVMS I64, you must install prerequisite patches for your OpenVMS version (See the list below. Install the patch versions listed, or later, if superseded.). These patches can be downloaded from the IT Resource Center (ITRC) at http://www2.itrc.hp.com/. Note: First-time users must register.

Patches for OpenVMS I64 V8.2-1
  • All Rating 1 ECOs (search keyword = 'Install_1' )
  • VMS821I_PTHREAD-V0100 (or latest ECO)
  • VMS821I_WEBL-V0100 (or latest ECO)
  • TCPIP-V0505-11ECO1-1 (or latest ECO)

Note for ECOs:

Because the status of ECOs changes frequently as new versions supersede previous versions, we recommend that you search the ECOs cited above, and install the 'most recent' version resulting in your search. To verify that you have the correct file, refer to the 'Patch Details'.

For additional information, refer to the patch installation page on the Web site.

Installing the Kit

To install the SDK kit:

  1. Copy the file HP-I64VMS-JAVA142-V0104-23-1.PCSI_SFX_I64EXE (~458,000 blocks) and execute it to unpack it and obtain the original kit files:

    HP-I64VMS-JAVA142-V0104-23-1.PCSI$COMPRESSED (~614,000 blocks)
    HP-I64VMS-JAVA142-V0104-23-1.PCSI$COMPRESSED _ESW (~18 blocks)
    $ RUN HP-I64VMS-JAVA142-V0104-23-1.PCSI_SFX_I64EXE

    Note: If you are unpacking the file to an ODS-5 disk, the unpacking operation might convert the filename into lower case. Convert them to upper case before proceeding; for example:

    $ RENAME hp-i64vms-java142-v0104-23-1.pcsi$compressed -

    $ RENAME hp-i64vms-java142-v0104-23-1.pcsi$compressed_esw -

    Note: if you copy one of these files to another directory, you must copy the other as well. They must both reside in the same directory.

  2. To extract a local copy of these Release Notes before installing the SDK:

         /SOURCE=[directory_where_you_put_the_PCSI_file] -
  3. Install the SDK kit from the .PCSI file obtained, using the PCSI (POLYCENTER Software Installation) utility PRODUCT command:

    The SDK gets installed in root directory SYS$COMMON:[JAVA$142].

    Also, the following files are installed by the PCSI utility with file attribute of ARCHIVE:


    If a file having any of these names already exists on the system, the installation process renames it to a new name with a file type ending in _OLD, before loading the new copy from the kit. Only the latest version of the existing file is preserved (by being renamed to file.type_old) before PCSI deletes all remaining versions.

    For example, an existing SYS$COMMON:[JAVA$142.COM]JAVA$142_SETUP.COM is renamed to SYS$COMMON:[JAVA$142.COM]JAVA$142_SETUP.COM_OLD before the new copy is copied from the kit.

    If you have previously personalized any of these files, you might need to merge your personalizations with the new copies.


    • The PCSI PRODUCT tool for OpenVMS installs different versions of the SDK using unique product names. For example:

      • SDK v 1.4.1-n would install as product JAVA141 (not available)
      • SDK v 1.4.2-n installs as product JAVA142

      Therefore, if you decide to update to a later version of the SDK within the same product, you should not use the PCSI PRODUCT REMOVE command. Instead, use the PRODUCT INSTALL of the desired kit. By following these instructions you avoid potential shared-file conflicts.

    • Installing in the SYS$COMMON area requires privileges. The SYS$COMMON:[JAVA$142]directory is the supported location for the installation of this kit.

  4. To use SDK v 1.4.2, you must first set up the Java environment. You select the HotSpot VM as your virtual machine.

    Because you can have multiple SDK versions installed on your OpenVMS system, and because you can change from one version to the other, you need to follow specific steps to set up your Java environment properly. To run the command procedure to do this, refer to the I64 Implementation section of the User Guide.

  5. Refer to the User Guide for additional information on how to use this product in an OpenVMS environment. Local copies of these Release Notes and User Guide are installed at
    SYS$COMMON:[JAVA$142.DOCS]RELEASE_NOTES.HTML and SYS$COMMON:[JAVA$142.DOCS]user_guide_i64.HTML, respectively.

Determining Your Installed Version

After downloading, installing, and running the command procedure to set up the Java environment, use the java -fullversion command to display the version. For example:

$ java -fullversion

  java full version "1.4.2-n"

where n identifies the specific SDK v 1.4.2 that is installed.

To switch from one version to another, see Switching Versions in the User Guide.

Contents of the SDK

This section provides a general summary of the files and directories contained in the SDK once it has been installed on your system.

Development Tools


This area contains programs that will help you develop, execute, debug, and document programs written in the Java programming language. For further information, see Sun's Tools and Utilities page.

Important: Review the information in the Interpreting Commands and OpenVMS Operating System Differences table in the User Guide to understand fully the nuances and differences in SDK v 1.4.2 on OpenVMS.

Run Time Environment (RTE)


An implementation of the Run Time Environment (RTE) for use by the SDK. The runtime environment includes a virtual machine for Java 2, class libraries, and other files that support the execution of programs written in the Java programming language. Note: The RTE included in the SDK is separate from the RTE kit.

Additional Libraries


Additional class libraries and support files required by the development tools.


Demo Applets and Applications


Examples, with source code, of programming for the Java platform. These include examples that use Swing and other Java Foundation Classes.

Additional Demos


Examples that demonstrate what is needed to write native C programs to interact with Java code.

C Header Files


Header files that support native-code programming using the Java Native Interface and the Java Virtual Machine Debugger Interface, as described on the Sun site.

Source Code


Java programming language source files for all classes that make up the Java 2 core API (that is, source files for the java.*, javax.* and org.omg.* packages, but not for com.sun.* packages). This source code is provided for informational purposes only, to help developers learn and use the Java programming language. These files do not include platform-specific implementation code and cannot be used to rebuild the class libraries. To extract these files, use this command:

$ jar xvf src.zip

Do not modify core API source files. To extend the behavior of the core API, write subclasses of the core API classes.

Known Issues

This section provides descriptions of the known issues and limitations that exist in the SDK v 1.4.2-3 kit for OpenVMS I64; these issues include the following:

Restrictions for HotSpot on I64:

  • Java VM Debugging Interface (JVMDI), Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA), and Java VM Profiling Interface (JVMPI) are not supported in this release.

  • -Xeprof option: Generates profile data for HPjmeter is not supported.

IPv6 Networking Support

Java Networking IPv6 support is not included in this SDK release.

Important: Review the information in Interpreting Commands and OpenVMS Operating System Differences in the User Guide and the remaining sections to fully understand the nuances and differences in this SDK.


The SDK v 1.4.2 documentation tree begins at the following location on the system where the SDK is installed:


The installed documentation is in HTML format and includes this release notes file and the user guide file, as well as the aforementioned index.html file.

For core API documentation, refer to the following sources:

  • The Java Platform API Specification:

    The API documentation provides brief descriptions of the API with an emphasis on specifications, not on examples.

  • The Java Class Libraries, Second Edition, published by Addison-Wesley Longman as part of The Java Series, as described on Sun's site. These volumes include much more elaborate descriptions, with definitions of terminology and examples for practically every class, interface, and member.

Optimizing Java Technology Software Performance on OpenVMS provides tips on improving Java performance on OpenVMS systems.

For more information on this release, refer to the Release Notes for the J2SDK v 1.4.2 software from Sun Microsystems.

If you are new to the Java programming language, you can browse or download Sun's Java Tutorial.

Problem Reporting

To report problems, refer to our Software Support web page.

© 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.

Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.

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