Changes made between V1.93 FT1 and FT2: 1) Implemented Unix-style "shlock" locking mechanism. Date: 10-Nov-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Unix code called only three of the shlock routines - shlock (only called twice) and lopen and lclose (called all over). Originally wanted to rewrite shlock routines to use Perl 'C' extension which used the VMS lock manager. However I ran into so many road blocks in trying to code a Perl extension for VMS Perl that I gave up (temporarily at least). So, I coded the shlock routines in a similar fashion to the way the were done on Unix. To get a lock try to create a file. If we can create the file then we have the lock, otherwise we don't. The method used by the Unix version of the code to detect invalid locks was not valid for VMS. Invalid locks are detected differently in the VMS code. (An invalid lock occurs when the lock file is created and the process dies and forgets to delete the lock file.) Any process that has a shlock lock leaves the lock file open as long as it has the lock. Any process that is trying to get the lock tries to create the lock file first and then, if it cannot create the lock file, tries to unlink (ie. delete) the lock file. If the lock is "valid" then the unlink call will get "file locked by another user". If the unlink works then we know that no process had the file open so the lock was invalid. At this point we try to create the lock file again. ******************************************************************************** Changes made for V1.93 FT3: 2) Perl scripts do SET FORWARD/USER commands referencing Majordomo logicals Date: 18-Nov-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: CREATE-LIST and CREATE-MAJORDOMO-FWD CREATE-LIST and CREATE-MAJORDOMO-FWD now use the logical name UCX$MAJORDOMO_HOME in the value for the SET FORWARD strings rather than the equivalence name of UCX$MAJORDOMO_HOME. 3) Reference UCX$MAJORDOMO_HOME logical in *.COM Date: 18-Nov-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: MAJORDOMO.COM, RESEND.COM and REQUEST-ANSWER.COM The .COM files weren't looking for the Perl scripts in UCX$MAJORDOMO_HOME. Now they are. 4) Send "list owner info" to list owner when creating new list + misc Date: 20-Nov-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: CHANGE-LIST, CREATE-LIST, MAJORDOMO-UTIL.PL, CONFIG_PARSE.PL Files added: VMS-LIST-OWNER-INFO.TXT Each time a new list is created the list owner(s) will receive an email containing the list name and passwd, et. and some information on being a list owner. Took out some temporary debug stuff in that made it into CMS by mistake 5) Support for digests Date: 20-Nov-1996 - 3-Dec-1996 Date into CMS: 4-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: MAJORDOMO, RESEND, CHANGE-LIST., CREATE-LIST., MAJORDOMO-UTIL.PL, MAJORDOMO.CF_TEMPLATE, MAJORDOMO.PL, RESEND., UCX$MAJORDOMO_SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE, VMS-LIST-OWNER-INFO.TXT, Files added: DIGEST, DIGEST.COM - resend script - After sending mail to list we send to the digest if defined. - Hijacked command line "-d" option to hold name of digest if any. The Unix style Majordomo debug option (which was formerly set by the command line "-d" option) may still be set from the list's config file which is the prefered method anyway. - digest script - Initial port - majordomo script - Initial port of the mkdigest routine. - CHANGE-LIST., CREATE-LIST. ,MAJORDOMO-UTIL.PL, MAJORDOMO.PL - Support for creation of list with digest - VMS-LIST-OWNER-INFO.TXT - give example of mkdigest command 6) Handle different requirements for SET FORWARD and double quotes Date: 26-Nov-1996 Date into CMS: 4-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: MAJORDOMO-UTIL.PL, CREATE-MAJORDOMO-FWD Newer versions of VMS mail parse double quotes using a new method for allowing nested double quotes. This means that in order to get the correct forwards into VMS mail the triple double quotes that have been in use for years are not needed. The routines in MAJORDOMO-UTIL.PL that write the VMS mail SET FORWARD commands to the .COM file were updated to call a new routine that detects which address parsing scheme the installed version of VMS is using. This way the scripts can be used transparently on either version of VMS. The same is true for the routine in CREATE-MAJORDOMO-FWD that sets up *MAJOROMO* forwarding. 7) Take out old diagnostic SHOW commands from *.com Date: 3-Dec-1996 Date into CMS: 4-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: DIGEST.COM, MAJORDOMO.COM, REQUEST-ANSWER.COM, RESEND.COM Took out SHOW LOGICAL, etc. commands. 8) Fix bug in that caused stray lock file. Date: 25-Nov-1996 Date into CMS: 4-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: SHLOCK.PL If lock was attained but file couldn't be opened (say it wasn't there) then the lock file would never be deleted. 9) Cleanup temporary .NEW file in do_unsubscribe Date: 5-Dec-1996 Date into CMS: 9-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: MAJORDOMO In majordomo's do_unsubscribe routine the .NEW file we were riting to wasn't getting cleaned up as well as it could. If an error occured a .NEW file would be left and subsequent threads wouldn't clean it up. Now a subsequent will clean up. 10) Add new public routines to shlock code Date: 6-Dec-1996 Date into CMS: 9-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: SHLOCK.PL Added new routines shlock_with_retry, shlock_release and shlock_lockfile - shlock_with_retry Gets a lock on a resource with retry built in. (With regular shlock the caller must implement the retry.) - shlock_release Releases a lock attained with shlock_with_retry or shlock. - shlock_lockfile Converts a filename to a "resource name" (ie a lockfile name) to pass to shlock or shlock_with_retry routines. Made lopen and lclose call shlock_release and shlock_lockfile where appropriate. 11) Fix bug where shlock called but status not checked. Date: 6-Dec-1996 Date into CMS: 9-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: MAJORDOMO and CONFIG_PARSE.PL In one spot each in the majordomo and the scripts there was a call to shlock that didn't even check to see if the lock was granted and if not retry. I asked the Unix Majordomo workers if this was a bug and they confirmed that it was. I changed the code to call the new shlock_with_retry mechanism so the lock retry is done automatically. 12) Remove some old diagnostics that are no longer needed from Date: 6-Dec-1996 Date into CMS: 9-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: MAJORDOMO.PL ******************************************************************************** Changes made for V1.93 FT4: 13) Fix bug in lists command handling of advertise/noadvertise Date: 11-Dec-1996 Date into CMS: 12-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: MAJORDOMO. The advertise and noadvertise configuration items are regexp's used by the LISTS command (majordomo scripts do_lists routine). The existing code didn't work on newer versions of Perl that expect '@' to be preceded with a \ inside a quoted string. Changed code to prefix the '@' with '\' in the address being matched against the advertise and noadvertise regexp's. 14) Headers of messages bounced by Majordomo not right Date: 11-Dec-1996 Date into CMS: 12-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: RESEND. One problem was typo in file handle of print statement. The other was not calling ParseVMSMailHeader after seeking back to the beginning of the input file. 15) Port "approve" script Date: 10-Dec-1996 - 12-Dec-1996 Date into CMS: 12-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: MAJORDOMO.PL Files added: APPROVE - Change's RetMailAddr routine to recognize Return-Path as a valid reply_to if the other headers it wants aren't there. Needed because the way the approve script works that's the only from header we get. - Initial port of approve script 16) Stray .out file left when Majordomo bounces message Date: 12-Dec-1996 Date into CMS: 12-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: RESEND. bounce routine was unlink temp files correctly but since we still had an open write channel to the .OUT file unlink wasn't working. Solution is to close OUT. 17) shlock routine can't handle lock filename with version number Date: 13-Dec-1996 Date into CMS: 13-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: SHLOCK.PL Fix it. Change ';' to '_'. Now a specific version of a file can be locked if need be. 18) Support "get" and "index" command for archives Date: 13-Dec-1996 Date into CMS: 13-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: majordomo.,, majordomo.cf_template Initial support. Too many changes to mention. 19) Add vmshelp command Date: 16-Dec-1996 Date into CMS: 18-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: majordomo Files added: VMS-USER-INFO.TXT Added new majordomo command vmshelp to give supplementary help for VMS Majordomo. The help is contained in the new file VMS-USER-INFO.TXT which lives in UCX$MAJORDOMO_HOME. The majordomo script just opens it and reads it. 20) Add pointer to DECnet majordomo server mail address in help. Date: 17-Dec-1996 Date into CMS: 18-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: majordomo, In help command text also give users who want to use DECnet mail to VMS Majordomo the DECnet address of the VMS Majordomo server. 21) Make approve script tell you each file it's working on. Date: 17-Dec-1996 Date into CMS: 18-Dec-1996 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: approve Add trivial print statement. 22) Approve script only work if set def'd to UCX$MAJORDOMO_HOME Date into CMS: 27-Jan-1997 Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed: approve Re-arrange "require" statements so they're executed after we pull in and add $homedir to @INC 23) Don't die if VMS mail SET [NO]FORWARD .COM file incurs errors Date into CMS: ??-???-???? Engineer: Karol Zielonko Files changed:, delete-list. After we execute the .COM file to do the SET FORWARD or SET NOFORWARD for a list do not exit if we get an error. The most likely cause of the error will be that we hit the 32 character limit for VMS mail alias entries. Just continue since most of the time the list will work anyway.