Reserved words are words that cannot be used as identifiers. INTOUCH's reserved words are:
The following words will be reserved in future versions:
Errors are returned either immediately after typing a syntactically incorrect line, or when the RUN command is given and your program is syntactically incorrect.
Exceptions only occur during execution. The runtime exceptions are:
Too many GOSUBs | |
User CAUSED exception | |
Improper entry to error handler detected | |
Dynamic variable used but not assigned | |
Upper bound is less than lower bound | |
File already exists (use REPLACE) | |
Datatype mismatch | |
Statistics are not enabled | |
-1001 | Program interrupted |
-1002 | Source code changed |
-3101 | Dynamic variable datatype mismatch |
-3102 | Nonexistent structure field referenced |
-4001 | Illegal digit in decoded string |
-4002 | Numeric base in DECODE/ENCODE$ not between 2 and 16 |
-4003 | Illegal argument to ORDNAME$() |
-4004 | Illegal argument to date$ |
-4005 | Illegal argument to DAYS |
-4006 | Invalid logical value |
-4007 | Invalid input screen format |
-4008 | Illegal memory address to MEM function |
-4009 | Illegal argument to ENCODE$() |
-4010 | Illegal argument to CHARSET$() |
-4016 | Illegal length argument |
-4017 | Expression or statement invalid |
-4021 | Illegal validation rule |
-7011 | Must close structure before reusing structure name |
-7012 | Error in directory name |
-7013 | Invalid attempt to update a key field |
-7014 | Deadlock detected |
-7015 | Database engine rejected add or update |
-5001 | Program interrupted |
-5002 | Exceeded virtual memory |
-7001 | Miscellaneous file error |
-7002 | Error in structure file |
-7003 | Error in data dictionary |
-7004 | Error in data file |
-7005 | No privilege for operation |
-7006 | No such record |
-7007 | Not a key field |
-7008 | Unknown DBMS in structure |
-7009 | Duplicate key |
-7010 | File full |
-8001 | Structure reference of nonexistent field |
-8002 | Numeric conversion error |
-8003 | Unsupported field data type |
-8004 | Disk quota exceeded |
-8102 | Syntax error in DATA |
-10001 | Illegal passing mechanism |
-10002 | Can't call external routine |
-10003 | Error in external routine |
-10004 | Dispatch routine not found |
-10005 | Illegal symbol name |
-10006 | Setting symbol failed |
-10007 | Ambiguous symbol definition |
1001 | Illegal number |
1002 | Integer overflow |
1002 | Floating overflow |
1003 | Overflow in built-in function |
1004 | Overflow in evaluating VAL |
1006 | Overflow on READ number |
1007 | Overflow in numeric input from terminal |
1051 | Overflow in evaluating string expression |
1053 | Overflow on READ string |
1054 | String too long on input |
2001 | Subscript out of bounds |
3001 | Division by zero |
3002 | Negative number raised to a nonintegral power |
3003 | Zero raised to negative power |
3004 | LOG() of zero or negative number |
3005 | SQRT() of negative number |
3006 | MOD or REM had zero divisor |
3007 | Argument to ACOS or ASIN not in range -1<=X<=1 |
3008 | Attempt to evaluate ANGLE(0,0) |
4001 | Illegal argument to VAL() |
4002 | Illegal argument to CHR$() |
4003 | Illegal argument to ORD() |
4004 | Illegal argument to SIZE |
4005 | Index in TAB less than one |
4006 | SET MARGIN value less than zonewidth |
4007 | SET ZONEWIDTH value greater than margin |
4008 | LBOUND index out of range |
4009 | UBOUND index out of range |
4010 | Second argument to REPEAT$ < 0 |
5001 | REDIM overflow |
6005 | REDIM first index greater than second |
7001 | Bad channel number |
7002 | Attempt to open or close channel zero |
7003 | Channel number already in use |
7004 | File not open |
7100 | Invalid file attribute |
7101 | Too many files open |
7110 | File not found |
7112 | File locked by another user |
7120 | Illegal file name |
7305 | No current record |
7322 | Delete or update not allowed |
8001 | Out of DATA |
8002 | Too few input items |
8003 | Too many input items |
8011 | End of file on input |
8012 | Too few data items in record |
8013 | Too many data items in record |
8101 | READ a non-number |
8102 | Syntax error in input |
8103 | Non-numeric input when number expected |
8105 | Invalid file input |
8201 | Bad format$() or using string |
8301 | Record is larger than record size |
8401 | Timeout on input |
8402 | Illegal numeric value for time-expression |
10001 | ON index out of range |
10002 | RETURN without GOSUB |
10004 | SELECT found no matching CASE |
10005 | Chained program unavailable |
Decimal Value | ASCII character equivalent | |
0 | NUL | |
1 | SOH | |
2 | STX | |
3 | ETX (CTRL/C) | |
4 | EOT | |
5 | ENQ | |
6 | ACK | |
7 | BEL (bell) | |
8 | BS (backspace) | |
9 | HT (horizontal tab) | |
10 | LF (linefeed) | |
11 | VT (vertical tab) | |
12 | FF (form feed) | |
13 | CR (carriage return) | |
14 | SO | |
15 | SI (CTRL/O) | |
16 | DLE | |
17 | DCL (CTRL/Q XON) | |
18 | DC2 | |
19 | DC3 (CTRL/S XOFF) | |
20 | DC4 | |
21 | NAK (CTRL/U) | |
22 | SYN | |
23 | ETB | |
24 | CAN | |
25 | EM | |
26 | SUB (CTRL/Z) | |
27 | ESC (escape) | |
28 | FS | |
29 | QS | |
30 | RS | |
31 | US | |
32 | SP (space) | |
33 | ! | |
34 | " | |
35 | # | |
36 | $ | |
37 | % | |
38 | & | |
39 | ' (apostrophe) | |
40 | ( | |
41 | ) | |
42 | * | |
43 | + | |
44 | , (comma) | |
45 | - | |
46 | . | |
47 | / | |
48 | 0 | |
49 | 1 | |
50 | 2 | |
51 | 3 | |
52 | 4 | |
53 | 5 | |
54 | 6 | |
55 | 7 | |
56 | 8 | |
57 | 9 | |
58 | : | |
59 | ; | |
60 | < | |
61 | = | |
62 | > | |
63 | ? | |
64 | @ | |
65 | A | |
66 | B | |
67 | C | |
68 | D | |
69 | E | |
70 | F | |
71 | G | |
72 | H | |
73 | I | |
74 | J | |
75 | K | |
76 | L | |
77 | M | |
78 | N | |
79 | O | |
80 | P | |
81 | Q | |
82 | R | |
83 | S | |
84 | T | |
85 | U | |
86 | V | |
87 | W | |
88 | X | |
89 | Y | |
90 | Z | |
91 | [ | |
92 | \ (backslash) | |
93 | ] | |
94 | ^ (or up arrow) | |
95 | _ (or back arrow) | |
96 | ` (grave accent) | |
97 | a | |
98 | b | |
99 | c | |
100 | d | |
101 | e | |
102 | f | |
103 | g | |
104 | h | |
105 | i | |
106 | j | |
107 | k | |
108 | l | |
109 | m | |
110 | n | |
111 | o | |
112 | p | |
113 | q | |
114 | r | |
115 | s | |
116 | t | |
117 | u | |
118 | v | |
119 | w | |
120 | x | |
121 | y | |
122 | z | |
123 | { | |
124 | | (vertical line) | |
125 | } | |
126 | ~ (tilde) | |
127 | del (rubout) |