AAA_README.TXT for: 15-Nov-2004 Drain-Printer, TOOLS, Capture a print stream into a file See SETUP_DETAILS.TXT as well as the very lengthy comments at the beginning of the source code for all the details ... an overview follows here. Drain-Printer has been tested on DEC-C v6.2 on both VAX/VMS 6.2 and AXP/VMS 7.2-1 with Multinet 4.3; other TCP/IP stacks may require some modifications; there is a good chance it will work just fine on other versions of Multinet and OpenVMS. Drain-Printer (or simply DRAIN) is defined as a TCP/IP service, listening on a high numbered port. Then a local TCP/IP print queue (call it TARGET, using raw mode (TELNET)) is defined to point to "LOCALHOST:high-numbered-port". When a local or external application prints to the TARGET queue (using either raw Telnet or LPR to get there, or just the OpenVMS PRINT command), the print stream will be re-transmitted to the high numbered port and this program will process it. Drain-Printer attempts to pretty up the final output by removing excess carriage return (CR) characters and breaking lines with imbedded form feed (FF) characters into distinct lines; this code is based strictly on the formatting done by the Multinet stream printer symbiont. In summary, Drain-Printer accepts all the raw input and creates a temporary file in the Multinet_Spool: secure directory. After receiving the entire printout, Drain-Printer optionally will spawn a subprocess to execute an arbitrary DCL command file to do special processing of your choosing on that temporary file. Then Drain-Printer will read the temporary file and pretty it up as it creates an arbitrary output file. When it is finished processing the file, Drain-Printer optionally will spawn another subprocess to execute another arbitrary DCL command file to do additional special processing. The two DCL command files as well as the final output file are all defined by logical names that include the port number Drain-Printer listens on. By using the port (or socket id) in this manner, any number of simultaneous instances of Drain-Printer can be active, each with different settings. An example of a simple configuration would have Drain-Printer just creating TEST.LIS in DUA2:[VERNE] whenever a printout was LPR'ed to the queue TEST3 on node This is my first large attempt at working in C and also working with socket services, so I'm sure my code could use some cleaning up; being a beginner is also why there are so many comments in the source :-) I'm sure there could be more error checking and automatic recovery logic. This was written with just plain text in mind; I would be shocked if it worked at all with any binary or graphic information. Feedback and suggestions are welcome !! NOTE: Drain-Printer is an expansion on an older program by Aaron Leonard; the first copy I found was called DRAIN_TO_FILE and was posted to comp.os.vms on November 11, 1997 under "SUBJ: Re: Multinet LPD Queue to File?" (and also to vmsnet.sysmgt on October 10, 1997). Verne ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Verne Britton, Lead Systems Programmer voice: (304) 293-5192 x230 Systems Support Group (in WV, call 1-800-253-1558) West Virginia Network for FAX: (304) 293-5540 Educational Telecomputing 837 Chestnut Ridge Road Morgantown, WV 26505