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2.1 What platforms are supported?

Currently both the standalone command line version and the X display version of MegaPOV-Ray are available for OpenVMS.

MegaPOV-Ray v0.6a for OpenVMS so far has only been tested by me personally on the following platforms.

Note: Currently due to some problems MegaPOV only works on Alpha platforms. I am working on the VAX port, but because VAX DEC C does not have IEEE FLOAT mode it probably won't happen.

The MegaPOV-Ray v0.6a for OpenVMS kit is designed to reside in a completely different directory structure than the POV-Ray v3.1g distribution kit so one can keep both seperate on the same system. (It is designed to run under the directory [.MEGAPOVRAY06A])

One should have no problems with older versions of OpenVMS just as long as one is using the DEC C compiler and DECWindows Motif, but I've only tested MegaPOV-Ray on OpenVMS v7.2 with DEC C.

But having said that, I would be happy to help someone having problems with older C compilers and older versions of OpenVMS.

2.2 What do I need to build MegaPOV-Ray v0.6a for OpenVMS?

O.k., here's is what you need to build MegaPOV-Ray v0.6a on an OpenVMS system.

  1. A copy of the original Unix POV-Ray v3.1g source distribution kit. The Unix POV-RAY v3.1g source files can be found at ftp://ftp.povray.org/pub/povray/Official/Unix/povuni_s.tgz

  2. A copy of the original Unix POV-Ray v3.1g documentation/include file distribution kit. The Unix POV-RAY v3.1g source files can be found at ftp://ftp.povray.org/pub/povray/Official/Unix/povuni_d.tgz

  3. A copy of the Unix MegaPOV-Ray v0.6a source distribution kit. The Unix MegaPOV-Ray v0.6a source files can be found at ftp://ftp.povray.org/pub/povray/Unofficial/MegaPOV/MegaPOV/megasrc06a.zip

  4. A copy of the MegaPOV-Ray v0.6a OpenVMS patch kit. The MegaPOV-Ray v0.6a OpenVMS patch kit can be found at http://www.ourservers.net/public/vms/povray/vms_megapovray06a.zip

  5. A copy of the MegaPOV-Ray v0.6a demo files. The MegaPOV-Ray v0.6a demo files can be found at ftp://ftp.povray.org/pub/povray/Unofficial/MegaPOV/demos06.zip

  6. A installed copy of Digital Equipments DEC C compiler. If you do not have a copy of the DEC C compiler you can obtain a copy via the OpenVMS Hobbyist Program at http://www.montagar.com/hobbyist

  7. An OpenVMS version of the Unix TAR utility. If you do not have a copy of an OpenVMS TAR utility you can obtain a copy at ftp://ftp.levitte.org/vms/

  8. An OpenVMS version of the Unix GNU ZIP utility. If you do not have a copy of an OpenVMS GNU ZIP utility you can obtain a copy at http://www.openvms.digital.com/freeware/gzip/

  9. If you want to use the X display version of POV-Ray you need to have DECWindows Motif installed and running along with the compiler libraries for DECWindows Motif.

2.3 Building MegaPOV v0.6a for OpenVMS.

O.k. You have everything outlined in the section What do I need to build MegaPOV-Ray v0.6a for OpenVMS and you want to get the ball rolling.

The MegaPOV-Ray v0.6a for OpenVMS kit is designed to reside in a completely different directory structure than the POV-Ray v3.1g distribution kit so one can keep both seperate on the same system.

Note: For pupose of example we will use the installation directory of DISK$WORK:[000000]

  1. If needed, install the DEC C compiler, DECWindows Motif, OpenVMS TAR or GNU ZIP for OpenVMS.

  2. Unpack the POV-Ray Unix documentation/include file POVUNI_D.TGZ into a directory of your choice.

    	$ SET DEFAULT DISK$WORK:[000000]
  3. Unpack the POV-Ray Unix source code file POVUNI_S.TGZ into the same directory where you unpacked the POVUNI_D.TGZ file.

    	$ SET DEFAULT DISK$WORK:[000000]
  4. Go to the [.POVRAY31] directory and create a directory called [.DEMO] and unpack the MegaPOV-Ray demo files demos06.zip in this directory.

  5. Go to the [.POVRAY31.SOURCE] directory and unpack the MegaPOV-Ray source kit MEGASRC06A.ZIP here ON TOP of the Unix POV-Ray v3.1g distribution files you just unpacked.

  6. Go back to the root directory where you have your [.POVRAY31] directory and rename the directory [.POVRAY31] to [.MEGAPOVRAY06A].

    	$ SET DEFAULT DISK$WORK:[000000]
  7. Go to the root directory where you have the [.MEGAPOVRAY06A] directory and unpack the MegaPOV-Ray v0.6a for OpenVMS patch file VMS_MEGAPOVRAY06A.ZIP ON TOP of the Unix POV-Ray v3.1g distribution kits you unpacked replacing the files.

    	$ SET DEFAULT DISK$WORK:[000000]
  8. Go to the MegaPOV-Ray [.SOURCE] directory where you will find the compile script BUILD_MEGAPOVRAY.COM. The BUILD_MEGAPOVRAY.COM script accepts the following parameters.

         P1:  ALL		  Just Build Everything.
              ZLIB		  Just Build The ZLIB Library.
    	  LIBPNG	  Just Build The LIBPNG Library.
              MEGAPOVRAYLIB	  Just Build The MEGAPOVLIB Library.
    	  XMEGAPOVRAYLIB  Just Build The XMEGAPOVLIB Library.
              MEGAPOVRAY	  Just Build The MEGAPOVRAY Executable.
    	  XMEGAPOVRAY	  Just Build The XMEGAPOVRAY Executable.
         P2:  DEBUG		  Build With Debugger Information.
              NODEBUG   	  Build Without Debugger Information.

    If you execute BUILD_MEGAPOVRAY.COM without any options the script will default to "ALL" and "NODEBUG".

  9. If you selected either the default options, ALL, MEGAPOVRAYLIB XMEGAPOVRAYLIB, MEGAPOVRAY or XMEGAPOVRAY the BUILD_MEGAPOVRAY.COM script will ask you

         Please Enter Your Name In Quotes.
         (Like "Joe Smith <jsmith@somewhere.net>") :

    So enter your name as shown.

            Please Enter Your Name In Quotes.
            (Like "Joe Smith <jsmith@somewhere.net>") : "Robert Alan Byer <byer@mail.ourservers.net>"

    This is inserted into the final executable.

    The BUILD_MEGAPOVRAY.COM script will then ask you.

         Please Enter The Directory Path Where You Intend To
         Put Your MEGAPOVRAY.INI File.  The Path Must Be In Unix
         Format And In Quotes.
         (Like "/disk$povray/megapovray06a") :

    So enter the path where you intend to install MegaPOV-Ray and the MEGAPOVRAY.INI file.

         	Please Enter The Directory Path Where You Intend To
         	Put Your MEGAPOVRAY.INI File.  The Path Must Be In Unix
         	Format And In Quotes.
         	(Like "/disk$povray/megapovray06a") : "/disk$work/megapovray06a"
  10. The BUILD_MEGAPOVRAY.COM script will then proceed compiling and linking with the options you have selected.

  11. When all is done, you should have one of the following executables (or more depending on the build parameters you gave) in your [.SOURCE] directory.

            MEGAPOVRAY.EXE-AXP		AXP MegaPOV-Ray executable.
    	XMEGAPOVRAY.EXE-AXP		AXP X display MegaPOV-Ray executable.
  12. Define a symbol for which ever MegaPOV-Ray executable you plan on using. (For this example, we will assume you unpacked everything into the directory of DISK$WORK:[MEGAPOVRAY06A].)


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