Document revision date: 15 October 2001
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Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS
Server Installation and Configuration Guide

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1.8.2 Software Requirements

To install PATHWORKS Advanced Server successfully, you must have the following software properly installed and configured on your system:

1.8.3 Supported Client Software

PATHWORKS Advanced Server supports connections from the following types of clients:

1.8.4 Memory Requirements

The system must have at least 64 MB of physical memory to run the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

1.9 Preinstallation Tasks

Use the following checklist to make sure you have completed all the tasks you should perform before you install the software. Each task is described later in this section.

Table 1-1 Preinstallation Checklist
[] 1. Check the part listing.
[] 2. Make sure that the network hardware is installed and connected.
[] 3. Log in to the SYSTEM account.
[] 4. Make sure that the required software is installed.
[] 5. Read the release notes.
[] 6. Check system parameters.
[] 7. Back up the system disks.
[] 8. Make sure that you have adequate disk space for installation.
[] 9. Check the queue manager.
[] 10. Check the time zone configuration.
[] 11. Make sure that DECnet is running, if you are planning to use the DECnet transport.
[] 12. Make sure that TCP/IP is running, if you are planning to use the TCP/IP transport.
[] 13. Check for existing Compaq OpenVMS server images and files.
[] 14. Check the OpenVMS Cluster configuration, if you are installing PATHWORKS Advanced Server on a cluster.

Before you install PATHWORKS Advanced Server, perform the following steps.


All the steps except the last apply to both standalone and cluster Advanced Servers. The last step delineates what needs to be done for installing the Advanced Server on a cluster.

1.9.1 Step 1: Check the Part Listing

The software part listing specifies the contents of the kit you receive. Check the contents of your kit against that information. If parts are missing or your kit is damaged, contact your Compaq Computer Corporation representative.

1.9.2 Step 2: Check the Network Hardware

PATHWORKS Advanced Server runs on OpenVMS systems that meet the software requirements. The PC local area network (LAN) requires:

1.9.3 Step 3: Log In to the SYSTEM Account

Before you install PATHWORKS Advanced Server, log in to the SYSTEM account, or another account that has all privileges enabled to run the installation procedure.

To log in to the SYSTEM account:

  1. At the user name prompt, enter SYSTEM:

    Username: SYSTEM 

  2. At the Password prompt, enter the password to the SYSTEM account. The password you enter is not displayed.

1.9.4 Step 4: Check the Required Software

PATHWORKS Advanced Server requires the following:

1.9.5 Step 5: Print and Read the Release Notes

If you have not already read the release notes, you should do so before installing the software. If you choose to back up the system, as recommended in Section 1.9.8, Step 8: Back Up the System, you can read the release notes during the backup. See Section 1.6, Reading the Release Notes, for more information.

1.9.6 Step 6: Check System Parameters

Most systems have adequate system resources readily available to include the PATHWORKS Advanced Server software. However, make sure that the following OpenVMS system parameters are set properly. Make any necessary changes to the MODPARAMS.DAT file, then run AUTOGEN, and reboot your system. You can delay this reboot until the first reboot required for backing up your system disks (a backup is recommended in Section 1.9.8, Step 8: Back Up the System).

Make sure all other software that will be running on your system is indeed running before and while you run AUTOGEN.


If these parameters are not set properly, you cannot configure the server after you complete the installation procedure.

GBLPAGES parameter

The minimum value of this parameter is listed in Table 1-2, GBLPAGES Parameter Minimum Value.

Table 1-2 GBLPAGES Parameter Minimum Value
Minimum Value for a VAX system Minimum Value for an Alpha system
3500 pages 7500 pages

To ensure that your system has enough free global pages, do the following while the Advanced Server is not running:

  1. Enter the following:


    The value of the GBLPAGES parameter is displayed. For example:


  2. If the value is less than required, edit the system parameters file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT and add a line similar to the following:

    MIN_GBLPAGES = 7500 


The minimum value of this parameter differs depending on which server is to be installed, as described in Table 1-3, GBLSECTIONS Parameter Minimum Value.

Table 1-3 GBLSECTIONS Parameter Minimum Value
Minimum Value for the standalone License Server Minimum Value for the PATHWORKS Advanced Server Installation
50 75

To ensure that your system has enough free global sections, do the following while the Advanced Server is not running:

  1. Enter the following:


    The value of the GBLSECTIONS parameter is displayed. For example:


  2. If the value is less than required, edit the system parameters file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT and add a line similar to the following:



The minimum value of this parameter differs depending on which server is to be installed, as described in Table 1-4, PROCSECTCNT Parameter Minimum Value.

Table 1-4 PROCSECTCNT Parameter Minimum Value
Minimum Value for the Standalone License Server Minimum Value for the PATHWORKS Advanced Server Installation
32 40

To ensure that the value of the system parameter PROCSECTCNT is adequate:

  1. Enter the following:


    The value of the PROCSECTCNT parameter is displayed. For example:


  2. If the value is less than required, edit the system parameters file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT and add a line similar to the following:


SCSNODE parameter

This parameter must be defined as your system's computer name. If you are running DECnet, the SCSNODE name should be the same as the DECnet node name.

The SCSNODE parameter's preinstallation status affects what happens after you install, as follows:
SCSNODE Status Your Action Server Response After Installation
Not defined Do not define it Does not start.
Already defined Do not define it Starts.
Not defined Define it Starts, but the OpenVMS system renames print and batch queues to include the new computer name. Therefore, you must requeue any existing print or batch jobs to the new queues. You may also have to rebuild the queue database. For information on these system management tasks, refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

To check whether the system parameter SCSNODE is defined as your system's computer name, enter the following commands at the system prompt:


As a result, one of the following occurs:

For information about running AUTOGEN, refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

1.9.7 Step 7: Check ENQLM Process Quota

Make sure that the ENQLM quota for the user account you use for configuring the Advanced Server is set to a value of 500 or greater. If it is not set appropriately, you will not be able to configure the Advanced Server after the installation procedure.

To determine the current setting for this quota, enter the following command while logged in to the user account from which you will run the PWRK$CONFIG.COM configuration procedure:


The value of the ENQLM parameter is displayed. For example:


If the value is less than required, follow these steps:

  1. Set the process default device and directory to SYS$SYSTEM.
  2. At the system prompt, enter the MCR AUTHORIZE command.
  3. At the UAF prompt, enter the MODIFY command, as in the following example, where user-account is the name of the user account from which you will configure the server, and value is a value of 500 or greater:

    UAF> MODIFY user-account/ENQLM=value

1.9.8 Step 8: Back Up the System

To safeguard against the loss of valuable data, Compaq recommends that you back up all disks on your system (or at least the system disk) before you install any layered product.

To do a system backup, use the OpenVMS BACKUP command. For information about the BACKUP command, refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

1.9.9 Step 9: Check Disk Space Requirements

To determine the number of disk blocks required for your installation, refer to the PATHWORKS Advanced Server release notes.

To check the number of free blocks on the system disk, enter:


The OpenVMS system displays information about the system disk, including the number of free blocks. For example:

Device     Device     Error    Volume    Free  Trans Mnt 
 Name      Status     Count     Label   Blocks Count Cnt 
DUA0:      Mounted        0    AXP072   724856   280   1 

1.9.10 Step 10: Check the Queue Manager

It is not necessary to have the queue manager running during installation and configuration, but Compaq recommends that it be running when you configure the server. You can enter the SHOW QUEUE/MANAGER command to check whether the queue manager is running:


If the queue manager is running, your OpenVMS system displays a message similar to the following:

Queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER, running, on CPEEDY:: 

If the queue manager is not running, you can use the following command to start it:


For more information about the OpenVMS DCL commands, refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.

1.9.11 Step 11: Check Time Zone and TDF

To check the time zone and time differential factor (TDF) settings on the system, run the OpenVMS command procedure
SYS$MANAGER:UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM. From the SYSTEM account, enter the following command to begin the procedure:


PATHWORKS Advanced Server's internal time management uses Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). To properly represent the time in the local environment, the time zone information must be set up before the server is started.

To set the time zone on your OpenVMS system, execute the following command procedure:


To set the time zone differential factor for the OpenVMS system, execute the following command procedure:


If you change any time zone information, such as the daylight savings time setting, you must restart the server for the time to be properly represented.


For diagnostic purposes, you can check the server log file for the values of the TDF (in seconds) and the daylight saving time flag.

For more information on running the command procedure and resetting time zone and TDF, see the section on setting time zone information in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

1.9.12 Step 12: Check DECnet Status

If you plan to use the DECnet transport, it is not necessary to have DECnet or DECnet-Plus running during the installation; however, DECnet or DECnet-Plus must be running on the system before you can configure the server.

To see whether DECnet is running on the system where you are planning to install the server software, enter the appropriate command depending on whether you have installed DECnet (Phase IV), or DECnet-Plus, as described in the following sections. Checking DECnet (Phase IV) Status

To check DECnet status, enter the following command:

$ MCR NCP SHOW EXECUTOR Checking DECnet-Plus Status

If you use DECnet-Plus (formerly DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS), enter the following command to see whether it is running on the system where you are planning to install the server software:


For more information, refer to the DECnet product documentation.

1.9.13 Step 13: Check TCP/IP Status

If you are planning to use the TCP/IP transport, make sure that TCP/IP is running and that the PATHWORKS IP (PWIP) driver has been loaded. The procedure for starting the TCP/IP product and the PWIP driver differs depending on the TCP/IP product running on the system. Refer to the documentation for your TCP/IP product for information on how to start TCP/IP and the PWIP driver.

For example, if TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 5 is installed, you can start the PWIP driver manually by entering the following command:


Alternatively, you can configure TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS to automatically start the PWIP driver when TCP/IP is started, using the configuration procedure TCPIP$CONFIG.COM.

For TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.x, use the configuration procedure UCX$CONFIG.COM to enable the PWIP driver on TCP/IP startup, or enter the following OpenVMS commands:


You can add these commands to the system startup procedure.

After the installation is complete, you can use the Configuration Manager to configure the PATHWORKS Advanced Server to use TCP/IP. You can do this during the configuration procedure (PWRK$CONFIG) or after configuring the server. In the former case, PWRK$CONFIG gives you the option of invoking the Configuration Manager. In the latter case, you can invoke the Configuration Manager at the DCL prompt by entering the ADMINISTER/CONFIG command.

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